MRC Research Projects
- Maryland program demographics study. This study seeks to document current program offerings for English learners in the state of Maryland. The initial implementation of the project drew on extant state-level data, and is now being implemented using survey methods. The research team includes Jeff MacSwan, Steve Sharp, Qin Yai, and Yu Bai.
- Core practices in English language teaching: Linking university and field experiences. This project builds upon the work in core practices in content areas such as mathematics, science, and English/language arts, and aims to identify key practices for teaching English language learners. Team members include Megan Madigan Peercy, Daisy Fredricks, Megan DeStefano, Tabitha Kidwell, and Johanna Tigert.
MRC Research Infrastructure Support
Through sharing of outreach revenue, the MRC has garnered resources to support initiatives aimed at supporting language education research infrastructure for the benefit of the department, college, and campus. These include the following efforts:
- MRC Travel Grants. MRC travel grants are intended to help graduate students defray the expenses associated with their participation in scholarly conferences and professional meetings. Awards of up to $200 are available to students are presenting at a conference. MRC funds 10-15 awards each year.
- MRC Visiting Scholars Program. Visitors will be selected according to whether they can contribute to the mission of the MRC, and they will be mentored through a weekly seminar which MRC faculty will take turns leading. Each visitor will have a faculty advisor, but most advising will be done in group sessions.