
Entry Requirements

The Center for Young Children enrolls children ages 3 through 5 (kindergarten) each school year, which runs from late August to early June. Students are enrolled for this ten month period, not per semester. The CYC accepts applications from families year round. Applications will only be accepted if the child has a recorded birth date. When an application is received, the child is placed on our waiting list.

The Center for Young Children follows the criteria for kindergarten eligibility established by the
Maryland State Department of Education; specifically, a child must be 5 by September 1 to qualify. This rule also applies to newly enrolling three-year-olds. Children must be at least three years old and potty-trained by September 1 to be enrolled at the CYC.


Visiting Day

The enrollment process for the following school year begins in January, and a Visiting Day (open house) is scheduled for mid-February. Applicants who are eligible for admission the following school year are invited to attend, although the invitation does not guarantee enrollment in the fall.

How admission decisions are made

Following Visiting Day, families are contacted and offered a space for the fall, based upon the projected number of available openings in each classroom. Enrollment is offered to families based upon the date of application submission.Priority is given to the children of faculty, staff and students of the University of Maryland (affiliates). Applicants who are siblings of current or past CYC students are given top priority for admission as long as the parents remain affiliated with the University.

Applications from the community will be considered only if a space cannot be filled by University affiliates. Due to the high volume of applications we receive, interested families are encouraged to submit an application early, well before the year the child will be eligible to attend. Applications for future enrollment are accepted any time after a child is born.

When admission decisions are made

Whenever possible, families will be informed of their admissions status by mid-April. Unfortunately, we are not able to call all families on the wait list for whom we do not have available spaces.  If an applicant family has not been contacted by mid-April, they may contact the CYC to check their status.

Applicants may transfer their application from the part time to the full time program or vice versa if desired; this must be requested by January 31st of the enrollment year in order to keep the original application date.

Center for Young Children Tuition Statement - School Year 2016-2017

  • Full-time Preschool and Kindergarten program          
    Five days/week—Academic Year contract
  • Part-time Preschool Classroom                                     $7,500

    Five mornings/week—Academic Year contract

    A sibling discount of 5% is offered on the tuition of the second child when two children are enrolled in the Center at the same time.

    Part-time students can access Morning Gathering between 7:45 - 8:30 if needed.

Center for Young Children Tuition Statement - School Year 2017-2018

The tuition costs for the Center of Young Children are as follows:

  • Full-time Preschool and Kindergarten program          
    Five days/week—Academic Year contract
  • Part-time Preschool Classroom                                     $7,900

    Five mornings/week—Academic Year contract

    A sibling discount of 5% is offered on the tuition of the second child when two children are enrolled in the Center at the same time.

    Part-time students can access Morning Gathering between 7:45 - 8:30 if needed.

Request or download an application

Return this form to the CYC by mail or by email to
. The application fee must be paid online - please use payment button below. The application will be processed once both form and fee are received.

Application Form Application Form


The CYC enrollment contacts are:

Curriculum/Enrollment Coordinator
Leslie Oppenheimer


Program Administrative Specialist
Jennifer Haislip


Completed applications are placed on a waiting list for future consideration.
Placement on this list does not guarantee enrollment at the CYC.


The CYC has a limited number of need-based, partial scholarships available. Any enrolling families wishing to explore partial scholarship opportunities to help supplement their tuition costs can visit the National Association of Independent Schools web site at:

You will need to input our NAIS school code in order to access and complete their online scholarship application. Our code is 4692.
Have your financial information ready in order to complete the application process.  NAIS will send us their report, with which the Scholarship Committee will evaluate your financial limitations and then determine appropriate scholarship awards. Scholarship applications for consideration for Fall 2017 must be submitted by March 1, 2017.