Professional Orientation 3 credits
This course is designed to present an overview of rehabilitation and transition-related services for students entering the Graduate Certificate Program. The course covers vocational rehabilitation and special education policy and legislation, with particular focus on laws and concepts related to transitioning youth. The course also emphasizes basic knowledge and concepts central to rehabilitation and transition, including: disability, ethical issues, diversity, empowerment, professional roles and responsibilities, case management, assessment, and technology. The introductory course will prepare students with the fundamental knowledge required for serving youth with disabilities in rehabilitation and related settings.
Special Topics in Leadership Development 3 credits
Interfacing with employers and networking with community partners require job developers to use effective leadership skills. Students will analyze and synthesize the concept of leadership using cultural, ethical, sociological, and historical perspectives. Personal values, leadership traits, philosophy, styles, and different types of skills needed in working with groups and in organizations will be explored through case studies and course activities.
Career Development Theories and Interventions 3 credits
This course stresses the importance of career development for youth in transition, with an emphasis on career life planning. The course will emphasize relevant career theories and interventions for youth, to include techniques for positive profiling, principles, and practices of person-centered career assessment; strategies for assisting job seekers in making informed career choices through discovery of self in relation to work/career with particular attention to community work-based experiences; and appropriateness and approaches to disclosure of a disability. Assisting youth with disabilities to explore various careers, to identify and implement career plans and goals, and to self-assess their progress will be explored through case studies and course activities.
Job Development and Placement 3 credits
This course is designed to complement and build on previous courses offered in the certificate program, and focuses specifically on the principles and practices of state-of-the-art job development and placement to assist youth and adults to secure and maintain competitive employment. Course content will address the employment process; knowledge of employers and job seekers; assessment strategies and tools; effective job matches; knowledge of workplace supports; partnership development strategies; and strategies to connect with community resources.