The Center for Children, Relationships and Culture

The Center for Children, Relationships and Culture has four major goals: 1) to facilitate collaborative, longitudinal, national and cross-cultural research projects on connections between children, social relationships, and culture; 2) to serve as the crux of social developmental graduate training through the NICHD/NIH Graduate Training Program in Social Development award (2003- present) which facilitates graduate training through its weekly colloquia series which enhances collaboration and interaction among developmental scientists; 3) to make available a resource facility containing scholarly information that helps produce policy initiatives, improvements in practice related to strengthening of families and child development, and 4) to host international and national Visiting Scholars who will interact with Center members. The weekly colloquia series is also a core graduate course for all graduate students in developmental science (EDHD 629). The seminar provides students with opportunities to discuss, with leading figures in the field, central issues in the study of child and adolescent development.

Director: Kenneth H. Rubin, and Associate Director: Melanie Killen.
(301) 405-0258