Counseling Psychology, School Psychology, and Counselor Education (CoPE)
Courtenay Barrett (Ph.D., 2012) is an assistant professor in the psychology department at Utah State University. Her research investigates contextual effects of the school social environment on adolescent behavioral and social-emotional outcomes. She pursues additional research in the areas of school-based consultation and psychoeducational assessment.
Shengli-Dong, (Ph.D., 2012) graduate of the Counselor Education Program is an Assistant Professor of Counseling at Florida State University in Tallahasee FL.
Stacy Gaenzle, (Ph.D., 2012) graduate of the Counselor Education Program is an Assistant Professor of School Counseling at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, TN.
Ileana Gonzalez, (Ph.D., 2012) graduate of the Counselor Education Program is a faculty member in the School Counseling Program in the School of Education at the Johns Hopkins University.
Tony Tosada, (Ph.D., 2012) graduate of the Counselor Education Program is an Assistant Professor of Counseling at the State University of New York (SUNY), Buffalo Campus.
Paul Harris, (Ph.D., 2010) graduate of the Counselor Education Program is an Assistant Professor of Counseling at the University of Virginia.
Erik Hines, (Ph.D., 2010) graduate of the Counselor Education Program is an Assistant Professor of Counseling at North Carolina State University in Greensboro, NC.
Ryan Duffy (Ph.D, 2009) is a graduate of the counseling psychology program under the mentorship of Dr. Robert Lent and is currently an assistant professor in the counseling psychology program at the University of Florida. His research interests are broadly in the areas of vocational and positive psychology, and he specifically focuses on the study of calling and work volition. Ryan is the co-author of a new book published in 2012 entitled Make You Job a Calling: How the Psychology of Vocation can Change Your Life at Work.
Daniel Newman (Ph.D, 2009) is an assistant professor in the school psychology program at National Louis University in Illinois. His research interests focus on school consultation training and supervision, and he has written several articles, book chapters, and presented locally and nationally on these topics. Dr. Newman is the author of a forthcoming book on internships in school psychology that will provide a guide for internship coordinators, and both prospective and current interns. He is co-chair of the National Association of School Psychologists’ Early Career Workgroup.
Hung-Bin Sheu (Ph.D, 2007) is an Assistant Professor in the Counseling Psychology program at the University at Albany, SUNY. His research interests focus on cross-cultural well-being and the application of social cognitive theory to career development and counselor training. Dr. Sheu has published book chapters and journal articles as well as delivered presentations on these topics at national and international conferences. He has also served on the editorial boards of the Journal of Counseling Psychology, Journal of Vocational Behavior, and Chinese Journal of Guidance and Counseling (published in Taiwan).
Karen Nuijens Monahan (Ph.D., 2006) is the coordinator for Psychological and Related Services for the Fort Mill, SC School District. She is responsible for supervising the school district’s nine school psychologists, as well as the system’s behavior specialists, mental health counselors, speech/language pathologists, occupational therapists, physical therapists, and school nurses.