The Department of Counseling, Higher Education, and Special Education is the merger of the Department of Counseling and Personnel Services, The Department of Leadership, International and Higher Education, and the Department of Special Education.
Listed bedlow are links to course syllabi for specific areas of specialization.
Spring 2016
- EDCP - Education Counseling and Personnel Services
- EDHI - Higher Education, Education Leadership, International Education
- EDSP - Special Education
- HESI - Higher Education, Student Affairs, and International Education Policy
Fall 2015
- EDCP - Education Counseling and Personnel Services
- EDHI - Higher Education, Education Leadership, International Education
- EDSP - Special Education
- HESI - Higher Education, Student Affairs, and International Education Policy
Spring 2015
- EDCP - Education Counseling and Personnel Services
- EDHI - Higher Education, Education Leadership, International Education
- EDSP - Special Education
- HESI - Higher Education, Student Affairs, and International Education Policy