EDCP Course Syllabi - Fall 2015

EDCP 108 College and Career Advancement: Concepts and Skills (1) Repeatable to 3 credits if content differs. Knowledge and skills designed to enhance college as a learning experience or preparation for life.

  • EDCP108B Reading and Study Skills
      • Section 0201
      • Section 0401
  • EDCP108C Choosing a Major
      • Section 0101
      • Section 0201
  • EDCP108G The Transfer Student in the University

  • EDCP108J College and Career Advancement: Concepts and Skills: Job Search Strategies
      • Section 0101
      • Section 0201
      • Section 0301

  • EDCP108M College and Career Advancement: Concepts and Skills: Math Study Skills and Building Confidence
      • Section 0101

  • EDCP108N College and Career Advancement: Concepts and Skills: Diversity Issues and Academic Strategies for Success
      • Section 0101
  • EDCP 220 Introduction to Human Diversity in Social Institutions (3) This highly-interactive format focuses on individual and social identities in the U.S., group differences and intergroup relations, systems of privilege and oppression, and advocacy for social justice. Topics will include diversity related to race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, social class, (dis)ability, and religion. Course fulfills CORE requirements in diversity, social/behavioral bases, and interdisciplinary study. Some sections restricted.
    EDCP298 Special Problems in Counseling and Personnel Services.
      • Section 0101
      • Section 0201
  • EDCP 310 Peer Counseling Theory and Skills (3) The theories and skills of peer helping relationships. Counseling theories and skills at a level appropriate for students seeking basic level training for use in peer counseling settings.
  • EDCP 386 Experiential Learning (3-6) Restriction: Permission of EDUC-Counseling, Higher Education and Special Education department; and junior standing or higher.

  • EDCP 489 Field Experiences in Counseling and Personnel Services (1-4) Restriction: Permission of EDUC-Counseling, Higher Education and Special Education department. Planned field experience in education-related activities. Credit not to be granted for experiences accrued prior to registration.
  • EDCP 498 Special Problems in Counseling and Personnel Services (1-3) Prerequisite: Available only to major students who have formal plans for individual study of approved problems. Restriction: Permission of EDUC-Counseling, Higher Education and Special Education department. Available only to major students who have formal plans for individual study of approved problems.
      • Section 0101
  • EDCP 499 Workshops, Clinics, Institutes (1-6) Repeatable to 6 credits. The following type of educational enterprise may be scheduled under this course heading: workshops conducted by the Department of Counseling and Personnel Services (or developed cooperatively with other departments, colleges and universities) and not otherwise covered in the present course listing; clinical experiences in counseling and testing centers, reading clinics, speech therapy laboratories, and special education centers; institutes developed around specific topics or problems and intended for designated groups.
    • EDCP499L: Preparation to Lead Relationship Skills Workshops (3)
  • EDCP610 Professional Orientation (3)Survey of knowledge base and practices in counseling and personnel services specializations, professional ethics, credentialling relevant legislation, current issues.
  • EDCP616 Counseling II: Theory and Practice (3) Corequisite: EDCP 618. Counseling theories and the practices which stem from such theories. For EDCP majors only.
      • Section 0101
  • EDCP618 Counseling Skills: Introduction to Practicum (1-6) Corequisite: EDCP616.
    Development and utilization of counseling skills.
      • Section 0101
      • Section 0201
      • Section 0301
  • EDCP619B Practicum in Counseling (3) Prerequisite: EDCP616. Restriction: Permission of EDUC-Counseling, Higher Education and Special Education department.
    Sequence of supervised counseling experiences of increasing complexity. Limited to eight applicants in advance. Two hours class plus laboratory.
  • EDCP 632 Cognitive Assessment (3) Prerequisite: Limited to school psychology students or permission of department. Assessment of cognitive functioning of children and adolescents in reference to school learning and behavior problems. Administering, scoring and interpreting cognitive assessment instruments commonly used in school systemss.
  • EDCP 640 School Psychology Seminar: Overview of the Specialty(1-2 credits). Limited to school psychology students or permission of instructor. Overviews the specialty of school psychology, including history of the specialty, roles and functions of school psychologists, and current professional issues related to the specialty.
  • EDCP641 School Psychology Seminar: Professional Ethics (1-2 credits). Limited to school psychology students or permission of instructor. Overviews ethical issues in the specialty of school psychology.
  • EDCP651 Group Counseling in School (3)
    Prerequisite: EDCP616; and for school counseling and school psychology students only. Restriction: Permission of instructor.Issues and techniques of group counseling in schools.
      • Section 0101
  • EDCP652 Research in Counseling (3)
    Restriction: Must be in the School Counseling program. Credit only granted for: EDCP652 or EDCP789Y. Formerly: EDCP789Y.An exploration of basic and applied research, program evaluation, and associated measurement and evaluation skills crucial for professional school counselors.
      • Section 0101
  • EDCP 671 Intergroup Dialogue Facilitation Practicum (3)
    An examination of the scholarship and practice of assessment of college student learning and developmental outcomes as well as organizational practices that contribute to those outcomes.
  • EDCP 682 Counseling Psychology Didactic Practicum in Group Interventions (3). For Counseling Psychology majors only. Also offered as PSYC 682. Formerly EDCP718. In depth examination of theories and techniques of group interventions; supervised experience in group counseling.
      • Section 0101
  • EDCP 685 Counseling Psychology Didactic Practicum in Counseling Supervision (3). For Counseling Psychology majors only. Also offered as PSYC 685. Formerly EDCP745. In depth examinatin of theories and techniques of counseling supervision, supervised experience in the process of supervising counselors.
      • Section 0101
  • EDCP 692 Assessment in Counseling Psychology I (3). For Counseling Psychology majors only. Also offered as PSYC 692. Formerly EDCP789F. Broad introduction to the construction of psychological tests and measures, and experience in test interpretation, with consideration of historical, legal, ethical, and cultural issues surrounding the assessment process.
      • Section 0101
  • EDCP 697 Multicultural Issues in Counseling Psychology (3). Only open to Counseling Psychology majors. Also offered as PSYC697. Credit will be granted for only one of the following: EDCP697, EDCP699, or PSYC697. Formerly EDCP699. Exploration of knowledge, attitudes and skills for providing counseling and psychological services to culturally diverse populations.
      • Section 0101
  • EDCP 738 Practicum in Child Assessment (1-6) Corequisite: EDCP633 and EDCP634. Repeatable to 6 credits.
    Administration of complete test batteries to children; supervision of initial interviews; test administration and scoring; interpretation and synthesis of test battery and interview material; the psychological report; verbal interpretation of test results; and recommendations. Taken initially with EDCP 633; repeated with EDCP 634 in the subsequent semester.
  • EDCP 741 Multicultural Practice in Student Affairs: Self, Education, and Society (3). Prerequisite: EDCP771. Credit will be granted for only one of the following: EDCP741 or EDCP789Z. Formerly EDCP789Z. Develop knowledge and skills in the area of multicultural practice in student affairs through the examination of oppression, power, and privilege and how these dynamics impact individuals, educational institutions, and societies.
      • Section 0101
  • EDCP 745 Supervision of Counseling (3)
    Restriction: Permission of EDUC-Counseling, Higher Education and Special Education department; and must be in a major within EDUC-Counseling, Higher Education and Special Education department.Survey of knowledge base, research approaches, and applied skills in supervision of counseling.
  • EDCP 772 Research in College Student Personnel (3) Prerequisite: EDCP 656 or permission of instructor. Limited to college student personnel students only. Research designs and approaches to research in student development and higher education. Development of research for research competency or dissertation proposal.
      • Section 0101
  • EDCP 774 Advanced Seminar in Theories of College Student Development (3)

    Prerequisite: EDCP771; or students who have taken courses with comparable content may contact the department.
    An opportunity for in-depth study, dialogue, and reflection about theoretical frameworks for understanding the development of college students. Specific attention is given to enhancing knowledge and understanding of the development of students when social identities and their intersections are considered.

  • EDCP 789 Advanced Topics in Counseling and Personnel Services (1-6 credits) Repeatable to 6 credits.
    • EDCP 789Q: Advanced Topics in Counseling and Personnel Services: Developmental Psychopathology
      • Section 0101
    • EDCP 789R: Advanced Topics in Counseling and Personnel Services: College Teaching Seminar
      • Section 0101
    • EDCP 789X: Advanced Topics in Counseling and Personnel Services: Lifespan Development
      • Section 0101
    • EDCP789Z: Advanced Topics in Counseling and Personnel Services
      • Section 0101
  • EDCP798A Special Problems in Counseling and Personnel Services; Research Design and Proposal Writing Seminar
  • EDCP 870 Professional Issues Seminar (3) Examination of issues that bear on professional issues such as ethics, inter-professional relationships and research.
      • Section 0101
  • EDCP 871 Student Affairs Doctoral Capstone Seminar (3) Prerequisite: EDCP870; or permission of instructor. Restriction: Must be in the College Student Personnel program. Credit only granted for: EDCP789I or EDCP871. Formerly: EDCP789I. Broadening perspectives on issues in student affairs and higher education by exploring the multiple roles and responsibilities of campus administrators and faculty members.
  • EDCP 888 Apprenticeship in Counseling and Personnel Services (1-8 credits) Restriction: Permission of EDUC-Counseling, Higher Education and Special Education department.
    Apprentice practice under professional supervision in an area of competence compatible with the student's professional goals. Credit not to be granted for experience accrued prior to registration. Open only to degree- and certificate-seeking graduate students.
    • EDCP888A: Apprenticeship in Counseling and Personnel Service: College Student Personnel
    • EDCP888C: Apprenticeship in Counseling and Personnel Service: School Psychology
      • Section 0101
    • EDCP889G: Apprenticeship in Counseling and Personnel Service: School Counseling
      • Section 0101
  • EDCP 889 Internship in Counseling and Personnel Services (1-8 credits) Prerequisite: Open only to students advanced to candidacy for doctoral degree. Restriction: Permission of EDUC-Counseling, Higher Education and Special Education department. Repeatable to 8 credits if content differs.
    Internship experiences at a professional level of competence in a particular role with appropriate supervision. Credit not to be granted for experience accrued prior to registration. Open only to students advanced to candidacy for doctoral degree.