EDCP 108B College and Career Advancement: Concepts and Skills; Learning Strategies (1 Credit)
Repeatable to 3 credits if content differs. Knowledge and skills designed to enhance college as a learning experience or preparation for life.
- Section 0101
- Section 0201
- Section 0401
- Section 0501
EDCP 108C College and Career Advancement: Concepts and Skills; Career Clarification: Choosing a Major (1 Credit)
Repeatable to 3 credits if content differs. Knowledge and skills designed to enhance college as a learning experience or preparation for life. Recommended for freshman and sophomores needing to choose or clarify an academic major. Students actively participating in this course will have identified at least two viable majors by the
conclusion of this course. Juniors by permission of instructors. All sections of EDCP108, except
EDCP108D, EDCP108J, and EDCP108R are closed to Seniors.
EDCP 108I College and Career Advancement: Concepts and Skills; Academic Transitions to Internships (1 Credit)
Repeatable to 3 credits if content differs. Knowledge and skills designed to enhance college as a learning experience or preparation for life.
Recommended for students who have never had an internship and are actively searching for one. Not
recommended for graduating seniors
- Section 0101
- Section 0201
- Section 0301
EDCP 108M College and Career Advancement: Concepts and Skills; Math Study Skills and Building Confidence (1 Credit)
Repeatable to 3 credits if content differs. Knowledge and skills designed to enhance college as a learning experience or preparation for life. This is an online class. There will be one individual meeting with the instructor - to be arranged. For more information, please contact the course instructor by email. This course is recommended for
students enrolled in or planning to enroll in a math class and needing math study skills and confidence building. Course registration is restricted to freshmen and sophomore students. Other students may request enrollment with permission from the instructor and only if seats are available. Once registered, please check your email for information about the first class meeting.
EDCP 108N College and Career Advancement: Concepts and Skills; Diversity Issues and Academic Strategies for Success (1 Credit)
Repeatable to 3 credits if content differs. Knowledge and skills designed to enhance college as a learning experience or preparation for life.
- Section 0101
- Section 0201
EDCP 220 Introduction to Human Diversity in Social Institutions (3 Credits)
This highly-interactive format focuses on individual and social identities in the U.S., group differences and intergroup relations, systems of privilege and oppression, and advocacy for social justice. Topics will include diversity related to race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, social class, (dis)ability, and religion. Course fulfills CORE requirements in diversity, social/behavioral bases, and interdisciplinary study. Some sections restricted.
EDCP 298 Special Problems in Counseling and Personnel Services (1-3 Credits)
Individual instruction in special problems related to counseling, student leadership, and college student development.
Contact department for information to register for this course.
EDCP 310 Peer Counseling Theory and Skills (3)
The theories and skills of peer helping relationships. Counseling theories and skills at a level appropriate for students seeking basic level training for use in peer counseling settings.
EDCP 386 Experiential Learning (3)
Restriction: Permission of EDUC-Counseling, Higher Education and Special Education department; and sophomore standing or higher. Special EDCP form required.
Contact department for information to register for this course.
EDCP 489 Field Experiences in Counseling and Personnel Services (1-4)
Planned field experience in education-related activities. Credit not to be granted for experiences accrued prior to registration. Contact department for information to register for this course.
EDCP 498 Special Problems in Counseling and Personnel Services (1-3)
Prerequisite: Available only to major students who have formal plans for individual study of approved problems. Contact department for information to register for this course.
EDCP 498A Special Problems in Counseling and Personnel Services: Education and Counseling Issues for
Asian Americans (3)
Also offered as AAST498A and EDCP798A. Credit granted for EDCP498A, AAST498A, or EDCP798A
- Section 0101
EDCP 499A: Workshops, Clinics, Institutes; Transition to Careers in the Global Workplace (2)
The following type of educational enterprise may be scheduled under this course heading: workshops conducted by the Department of Counseling and Personnel Services (or developed cooperatively with other departments, colleges and universities) and not otherwise covered in the present course listing; clinical experiences in counseling and testing centers, reading clinics, speech therapy laboratories, and special education centers; institutes developed around specific topics or problems and intended for designated groups.
For Juniors and Seniors only. The purpose of this course is to help Juni ors/Seniors identify meaningful career paths and continuing education pl ans following college graduation.
- Section 0101
EDCP 612 Multicultural Issues in Counseling and Personnel Services (3 Credits)
Restriction: Permission of EDUC-Counseling, Higher Education and Special Education department. Socio-psychological, philosophical, clinical, and research topics related to the provision of counseling and personnel services, academic support, and career development for minority students on predominantly white college and university campuses. Implications of race and/or national origin on opportunities for personal, social, academic, and career development in educational settings.
- Section 0101
EDCP 615 Counseling I: Appraisal (3 Credits)
Corequisite: EDCP618. Restriction: Must be in a major within EDUC-Counseling, Higher Education and Special Education department. Collection and interpretation of appraisal data, synthesis of data through case study procedures. Development of interview skills.
- Section 0101
EDCP 619D Practicum in Counseling; Practicum in School Counseling (3 Credits)
Sequence of supervised counseling experiences of increasing complexity. Limited to eight applicants in advance. Two hours class plus laboratory.
EDCP 625 Counseling the Chemically Dependent (3 Credits)
Chemical dependency and its effects on the individual's personal, social, and work functioning. Counseling procedures for persons with drug and alcohol problems.
- Section 0101
EDCP 630 School-Based Behavioral Interventions(3 Credits).
Restriction: Permission of instructor; and must be in a major in EDUC-College of Education. Behavior assessment and intervention techniques from behavioral, cognitive-behavioral, and ecological models. Planning, implementation, and evaluation of behavior change techniques.
- Section 0101
EDCP 633 Diagnostic Appraisal of Children I (3 Credits).
Prerequisite: EDCP632. Assessment of development, emotional and learning problems of children.
- Section 0101
EDCP 635 School Consultation I (3 Credits).
Restriction: Must be in the School Counseling program; or must be in the School Psychology program; or permission of instructor.
Theory and practice of consultation services in the school setting. Understanding of school culture. Introduction to problem solving model of case consultation for assessment and remediation of learning and behavior problems in the classroom. Practicum experience.
EDCP 655 Organizational Dimensions of Student Affairs (3 Credits).
Prerequisite: EDCP610; or permission of EDUC-Counseling, Higher Education and Special Education department. Exploration of leadership and organizational change of student affairs programs in post-secondary education.
EDCP 672 Individual and Organizational Assessment in Student Affairs (3 Credits).
An examination of the scholarship and practice of assessment of college student learning and developmental outcomes as well as organizational practices that contribute to those outcomes.
EDCP 680 Basic Didactic Practicum in Counseling Psychology (3 Credits).
Prerequisite: For Counseling Psychology majors only. Formerly: PSYC776. In depth examination of counseling theories and techniques, and supervised experience in application of a range of counseling and therapy approaches.
EDCP 686 Counseling Psychology Didactic Practicum in Career Interventions (3 Credits).
Prerequisite: For Counseling Psychology majors only. Formerly: EDCP777. In depth examination of theorectical approaches and issues in career interventions; supervised experience in career counseling and assessment
- Section 0101
EDCP 691 Research in Counseling Psychology II (3 Credits).
Prerequisite: For Counseling Psychology majors only. Also offered as: PSYC691. Formerly: EDCP717. Critical analysis of trends and issues in counseling psychology science
EDCP 693 Assessment in Counseling Psychology II (3 Credits).
Prerequisite: For Counseling Psychology majors only. Also offered as: PSYC693. Formerly: EDCP789F. Supervised experience in administration, scoring, and interpreting majo psychodiagnostic instruments used by counseling psychologists, as well as writing integrative assessment reports. Emphasis on hypothesis testing approach to assessment and on the counseling interview as an assessment tool.
- Section 0101
EDCP 694 Student Leadership Development (3 Credits).
Credit only granted for: EDCP694 or EDCP789D. Formerly: EDCP789D. Explores the development of leadership among college students including the study of leadership
theory; a focus on how leadership is learned and developed; cultural demensions of leadership; and exposure to the current national scene in leadership associations, programs, and resources.
- Section 0101
EDCP738 Practicum in Child Assessment (3 Credits)
Administration of complete test batteries to children; supervision of initial interviews; test administration and scoring; interpretation and synthesis of test battery and interview material; the psychological report; verbal interpretation of test results; and recommendations. Taken initially with EDCP 633; repeated with
EDCP 634 in the subsequent semester.
- Section 0101
EDCP 771 The College Student (3 Credits)
A demographic study of the characteristics of college students as well as a study of their aspirations, values, and purposes.
EDCP 776 Social Justice in Student Affairs and Higher Education (3 Credits)
Prerequisite: EDCP771 or EDCP741; or permission of instructor. Restriction: Limited to college student personnel students only.
An exploration of differences, biases, assumptions, limitations, and challenge with diversity in the context of higher education and student affairs. Focusing on issues of inequities with social identity group membership and the systems of power, privilege, and oppression in society.
- Section 0101
EDCP 788 Advanced Practicum (1-6 Credits)
Individual supervision in one of the following areas: (a) individual counseling, (b) group counseling, (c) consultation, or (d) administration.
- Section 5001
EDCP 789B Advanced Topics in Counseling and Personnel Services; Methods of Intervention (3 Credits)
EDCP 789E Advanced Topics in Counseling and Personnel Services; Social and Cognitive Foundations of Counseling and School Psychology (3 Credits)
EDCP 789J Advanced Topics in Counseling and Personnel Services; Ground Theory (3 Credits)
- Section 0101
EDCP 789N Advanced Topics in Counseling and Personnel Services; Therapeutic Approaches with Children (3 Credits)
- Section 0101
EDCP 789R Advanced Topics in Counseling and Personnel Services; College Teaching Seminar (1-6 Credits)
- Section 0101
EDCP 789T Advanced Topics in Counseling and Personnel Services; Program Planning (3 Credits)
EDCP 789W Advanced Topics in Counseling and Personnel Services; College Context and Institutional Types (3 Credits)
EDCP 798: Special Problems in Counseling and Personnel Services (1-6 credits)
Master's AGS, or doctoral candidates who desire to pursue special research problems under the direction of their advisers may register for credit under this number.
Contact department for information to register for this course.
EDCP 798A Special Problems in Counseling and Personnel Services; Asian Americans and Education (3 credits)
Master's AGS, or doctoral candidates who desire to pursue special research problems under the direction of their advisers may register for credit under this number.
Also offered as EDCP498A and AAST498A. Credit granted for EDCP498A, AAST498A, or EDCP798A.
- Section 0101
EDCP 799 Master's Thesis Research (1-6 credits)
Registration required to the extent of six hours for Master's thesis. Contact department for information to register for this course.
- Contact department for information to register for this course.
EDCP 870 Professional Issues Seminar (3 Credits)
Credit only granted for: EDCP656 or EDCP870. Formerly: EDCP656. Examination of issues that bear on professional issues such as ethics, inter-professional relationships and research.
- Section 0101
EDCP 888 Apprenticeship in Counseling and Personnel Services (1-8 credits)
Apprentice practice under professional supervision in an area of competence compatible with the student's professional goals. Credit not to be granted for experience accrued prior to registration. Open only to degree- and certificate-seeking graduate students. Contact department for information to register for this course.
EDCP 888A Apprenticeship in Counseling and Personnel Services; College Student Personnel (3 Credits)
Apprentice practice under professional supervision in an area of competence compatible with the student's professional goals. Credit not to be granted for experience accrued prior to registration. Open only to degree- and certificate-seeking graduate students.
- Section 0101
- Section 7201
EDCP 888C Apprenticeship in Counseling and Personnel Services; College Student Personnel (1-8 Credits)
Apprentice practice under professional supervision in an area of competence compatible with the student's professional goals. Credit not to be granted for experience accrued prior to registration. Open only to degree- and certificate-seeking graduate students.
- Section 0101
- Section 0201
- Section 0401
- Section 0501
EDCP 888G Apprenticeship in Counseling and Personnel Services; School Counseling (3 Credits)
Apprentice practice under professional supervision in an area of competence compatible with the student's professional goals. Credit not to be granted for experience accrued prior to registration. Open only to degree- and certificate-seeking graduate students.
EDCP 889 Internship in Counseling and Personnel Services; Internship in Counseling and Personnel Services (1-8 Credits)
Internship experiences at a professional level of competence in a particular role with appropriate supervision. Credit not to be granted for experience accrued prior to registration. Open only to students advanced to candidacy for doctoral degree. Contact department for information to register for this course.
EDCP 898 Pre-Candidacy Research (1-8 Credits)
Contact department for information to register for this course.
EDCP 899 Doctoral Dissertation Research (6 Credits)
Registration required to the extent of 12-18 hours for a Ph.D. Dissertation. Contact department for information to register for this course.