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EDHD 210 Foundations of Early Childhood Education (3)
Corequisite: EDSP211. Students explore historical and current research in early childhood education, primary models of curriculum and pedagogy in the field, and the relationship between critical aspects of young children's development and the creation of inclusive learning opportunities for all children, including children at risk. The concept of developmentally appropriate practice and its application across different developmental levels and early childhood classrooms will be introduced and connected with discussion in EDHD220 and EDSP211. Students examine issues in developing and implementing high quality early childhood education experiences for young children with and without disabilities, including the influence of family, culture, and community, the needs of children at risk (e.g., poverty, immigrant status, English Language Learners), and the role of assessment in early learning.
EDHD 220 Exploring Early Childhood General and Special Education (3)
Students who are considering a career in education will consider information about the teaching profession. Students reflect on their personal strengths, identify areas of growth, and examine their predisposition to work with young children with and without disabilities. They will discuss the nature of teaching, the moral and philosophic underpinnings that influenced their decision to enter into the teaching professions, as well as the roles and responsibilities of teachers and the characteristics and qualities for effective teachers (teaching styles and teacher's primary role in the classroom).
EDHD 230 Human Development and Societal Institutions (3)
Development of the individual in the context of relationships with the formal and informal institutions of society. An examination of various aspects of development from the broad perspective of the social sciences.
EDHD 231 Inside 21st Century Creativity: How Creative Ideas, Concepts, and Products are
Generated (3)
Mechanisms of the creative mind. Psychological, social, sociological, developmental, cultural, educational, genetic and neural based roots of creativity.
EDHD 306 Research Methods in Human Development (3)
Addresses the scientific concepts and principles central to the study of human behavior and development. Students will learn about basic research methods in studying human behavior in developmental context and will participate in experiential activities, such as conducting observations and collecting self-report data. Major themes: goals of developmental research, fundamental research designs, types of measurement, elements of good scientific writing, and ethical issues in the study of human development.
EDHD 313 Creative Experiences for Young Children (3)
Restriction: Must be in Early Childhood Education program. Credit only granted for: EDHD313 or EDCI313. Formerly: EDCI313. Provides preservice teachers with an understanding of the current research on the development of creativity and integration of the arts into an early childhood classroom.
EDHD 314 Reading in Early Childhood Classroom: Instructions and Materials Part I (3)
Restriction: Must be in Early Childhood Education program. This course introduces early childhood students to current research and methods on teaching reading.
EDHD 320 Human Development Through the Life Span (3)
Central concepts related to parameters of human development, individual and social, which arise throughout the life span. Continuity and change within the developing individual.
EDHD 400 Introduction to Gerontology (3)
Multidisciplinary survey of the processes of aging. Physiological changes, cultural forces, and self-processes that bear on quality of life in later years. Field study of programs, institutions for elderly, individual elders, their families and care providers.
EDHD 411 Child Growth and Development (3)
Theoretical approaches to and empirical studies of physical, psychological and social development from conception to puberty. Implications for home, school and community.
EDHD 413 Adolescent Development (3)
Adolescent development, including special problems encountered in contemporary culture. Observational component and individual case study.
EDHD 415 Social Competence in Young Children (3)
Restriction: Must be in Early Childhood Education program; and junior standing or higher. Students will discuss issues and topics relevant to the study of children's social competence, peer interactions, relationships, and groups. Includes field experience.
EDHD 419 Human Development and Learning in School Settings (3)
Restriction: Permission of EDUC-Human Development and Quantitative Methodology department. Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. Advanced study of human development and learning in different phases of school program over a period of time.
EDHD 420 Cognitive Development and Learning (3)
Prerequisite: EDHD320, EDHD411, PSYC341, or PSYC355; or permission of EDUC-Human Development and Quantitative Methodology department. Current developmental theories of cognitive processes such as language, memory, and intelligence and how differences in cognitive level (infancy through adolescence) mediate learning of educational subject matters.
EDHD 421 Peer Relations (3)
Recommended: EDHD411. Historical and theoretical underpinnings to contemporary research on peer interactions, relationships, and groups. Focus on (1) inter-dependencies of individual characteristics, social behaviors, social relationships; (2) relations between familial factors and extra-familial peer interactions and relationships; (3) normal and abnormal peer relationships; and (4) cross cultural universals and differences.
EDHD 424 Culture and Community Perspectives: The Diverse World of the Child (3)
Corequisite: EDHD419, EDHD314, EDHD313, and EDSP470. Restriction: Junior standing or higher; and must be in Early Childhood Education program. Explores the development of the young child in the context of family and community, with particular emphasis on the impact of state, federal and school system policy on the child's world.
EDHD 425 Language Development and Reading Acquisition (3)
This course focuses on young children's language development and the relationship between language and reading acquisition. Students will learn: concepts central to language development; language achievements at different ages; concepts of emergent literacy; models of reading acquisition and skilled reading.
EDHD 426 Cognition and Motivation in Reading: Reading in Content Areas I (3)
Students preparing for secondary teaching will learn the cognitive and motivational aspects of reading and learning from text in subjects of literature, science, history and mathematics. Different structured approaches to using text for content learning are presented. Classroom contexts that enable students to engage productively with diverse texts and internet resources are identified.
EDHD 430 Adolescent Violence (3)
Prerequisite: PSYC100; or permission of EDUC-Human Development and Quantitative Methodology department. Examines the roots of violence among adolescents and the extent to which this constitutes a problem in various settings. Research studies on its origins, prevention and intervention and implications for social policy are examined.
EDHD 432 Student Teaching Pre-K-3 (12)
Prerequisite: EDHD323, EDHD322, EDHD321, EDHD435, and EDHD427. Corequisite: EDCI464. Restriction: Must be in Early Childhood Education program; and senior standing or higher.
EDHD 436 Cognition and Motivation in Reading: Reading Acquisition for Middle School Students (3)
Cognitive and motivational processes of reading and learning from texts across subjects. Structured approaches to using text for content learning based on approaches to knowledge, motivation, and strategies. Classroom contexts that enable middle school students to engage with diverse texts and Internet resources are provided.
EDHD 460 Educational Psychology (3)
Prerequisite: PSYC100; or permission of EDUC-Human Development and Quantitative Methodology department. Application of psychology to learning processes and theories. Individual differences, measurement, motivation, emotions, intelligence, attitudes, problem solving, thinking and communicating in educational settings.
EDHD 498 Special Problems in Education (1-3)
Prerequisite: Available only to students who have definite plans for individual study of approved problems. Restriction: Permission of EDUC-Human Development and Quantitative Methodology department. Available only to students who have definite plans for individual study of approved problems.
EDHD 624 Cognitive and Motivational Bases of Reading; Reading in Content Areas I and II (6 credits)
Credit only granted for: EDHD624 or EDHD779G. Formerly: EDHD779G.
Fundamental processes of student engagement in reading for secondary teachers. Processes related to how middle school and high school students gain knowledge in content fields, how students learn and use strategies for gaining knowledge, and motivations for learning from a variety of texts.
EDHD 629 Seminar for the Center for Children, Relationships, and Culture (1 credits)
Recommended: For graduate students in Human Development. Repeatable to 8 credits if content differs.
A seminar and colloquia series featuring speakers from the department, the college, the university, and other universities and institutions from across the world that aims to cover issues pertaining to contemporary theory and research in human development.
EDHD 635 Adolescents at Risk (3 credits)
Recommended: EDHD600. Credit only granted for: EDHD635 or EDHD779L. Formerly: EDHD779L.
Study of current research on risky behaviors that impact adolescent student learning and achievement particular in underserved populations. General diversity issues and topics specific issues that put adolescents at risk for academic failure and other negative trajectories will be explored.
EDHD 674 Self Processes in Adolescence: Implications for Academic Achievement and School Adjustment (3 credits)
Credit only granted for: EDHD619L or EDHD674. Formerly: EDHD619L.
Study of the development of the self from infancy through adolescence, and examination of the literature on the self processes of special adolescent populations as they relate to achievement-related orientations and school adjustment in secondary settings.
EDHD 711 Peer-Culture and Group Processes in Human Development (3 credits)
Prerequisite: Permission of EDUC-Human Development and Quantitative Methodology department.
The process of group formation, role-taking and status-winning, and the emergence of the peer-culture during childhood and the evolution of the child society at different maturity levels to adulthood. The developmental tasks and adjustment problems associated with winning, belonging, and playing roles in the peer group.
EDHD 718 Apprenticeship in College Teaching (1 credits)
Restriction: Permission of EDUC-Human Development and Quantitative Methodology department.
For graduate students teaching autonomously for the first, second, or third time at the University of Maryland, College Park; not intended for teaching assistants. This course provides graduate student teachers with a set of structured experiences that foster professional growth and development in the role of college instructor. Includes seminars on the scholarship of college teaching and principles of optimal college classroom environments, peer and faculty in-class observations of teaching, and guided reflective analysis of experience in the classroom.
751 Child Development and Poverty (3 credits)
Prerequisite: EDHD720; or permission of EDUC-Human Development and Quantitative Methodology department.
This course examines the theoretical, methodological, and empirical literature on the effects of poverty on children's development from a multidisciplinary perspective. It includes basic concepts in methodology, measurement design, and issues related to connecting basic research on poverty and children to policy and program interventions.
EDHD 775 Human Development and Neuroscience (3 credits)
Prerequisite: EDHD601; or permission of EDUC-Human Development and Quantitative Methodology department.
Course focuses on the biological bases of human behavior including physiological processes which have an impact on human development.
EDHD 780 Research Methods in Human Development (3 credits)
Prerequisite: EDMS651; or permission of EDUC-Human Development and Quantitative Methodology department.
Research methodology for studying human development: research design, hypothesis formulation, instrument development, methodological and statistical approaches, survey of methodologies.
EDHD 820 Advanced Topics in Social Development (3 credits)
Prerequisite: EDHD720; or permission of EDUC-Human Development and Quantitative Methodology department. Credit only granted for: EDHD820 or EDHD821. Formerly: EDHD821.
Advanced doctoral seminar on socialization and social development with consideration of selected topics. Identification of research problems and areas of application.
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