EDHD Course Syllabi - Fall 2019

EDHD 201 Learning How to Learn (3 Credits)
Immerses students in the theoretical and empirical study of learning by engaging them in orchestrated experiences and activities drawn directly from the disciplinary research. Students achieve deep understanding of their own learning, as well as the means of enhancing that learning both in school and out-of-school contexts.
EDHD 201 Syllabus Fall 2019.pdf


EDHD 210 Foundations of Early Childhood Education (3 Credits)
Students explore historical and current research in early childhood education, primary models of curriculum and pedagogy in the field, and the relationship between critical aspects of young children's development and the creation of inclusive learning opportunities for all children, including children at risk. The concept of developmentally appropriate practice and its application across different developmental levels and early childhood classrooms will be introduced and connected with discussion in EDHD220 and EDSP211. Students examine issues in developing and implementing high quality early childhood education experiences for young children with and without disabilities, including the influence of family, culture, and community, the needs of children at risk (e.g., poverty, immigrant status, English Language Learners), and the role of assessment in early learning.
EDHD 210 Syllabus Fall 2019.pdf


EDHD 306 Research Methods in Human Development (3 Credits)
Addresses the scientific concepts and principles central to the study of human behavior and development. Students will learn about basic research methods in studying human behavior in developmental context and will participate in experiential activities, such as conducting observations and collecting self-report data. Major themes: goals of developmental research, fundamental research designs, types of measurement, elements of good scientific writing, and ethical issues in the study of human development.
EDHD 306-0101 Syllabus Fall 2019.pdf
EDHD 306-0201 Syllabus Fall 2019.pdf


EDHD 310 Your Brain on Education: The Neuroscience of Learning and Development (3 Credits)
Investigation linking research in the brain science of learning and development, including the neural basis of academic skills, to achievement, disability, and broader applications to classroom learning. This course will focus on areas of education including language (spoken and written), conceptual change, numerical/quantitative processing, and social cognition as well as burgeoning areas of neuroscientific research in general cognitive processes such as attention, memory, and executive processing. These topics will be discussed with respect to typical and atypical development with some focus on developmental disabilities including autism, specific language impairment, reading and math impairment, and attention deficit disorders among others. This course will focus on both the theoretical perspectives and pragmatic issues of how evidence regarding brain development can or may be translated into useful or misleading information for educators, professionals, and parents/guardians of our children.
EDHD 310 Syllabus Fall 2019.pdf


EDHD 314 Reading in the Early Childhood Classroom
Early childhood students introduced to current research/methods on teaching language arts. Focus on development of linguistic and cognitive processes in emergent literacy and beginning reading and writing. Application to models for the instruction and assessment of reading/writing in preschool-aged children. Also includes material on classroom-based interventions for young children at risk of reading failure due to learning difficulties. Includes Field Experiences.
EDHD 314 Syllabus Fall 2019.pdf


EDHD 320 Human Development Through the Life Span (3 Credits)
Central concepts related to parameters of human development, individual and social, which arise throughout the life span. Continuity and change within the developing individual.
EDHD 320-0101 Syllabus Fall 2019.pdf
EDHD 320-0201 Syllabus Fall 2019.pdf


EDHD 322 The Young Child as Mathematician (3 Credits)
Provides a theoretical and instructional framework for mathematics instruction in early childhood classrooms. Development of understanding of early childhood mathematics that emphasizes how and in what environment young children learn mathematics. Current thinking about both content and instructional strategies for mathematics curriculum, including identification and review of standards and expectations for learning outcomes for all children. Assessment strategies for evaluating all children will be addressed. Includes Phase 1 Field Experience.
EDHD 322 Syllabus Fall 2019.pdf


EDHD 323 Children Study their World (3 Credits)
Provides theoretical and instructional framework for social studies instruction in inclusive early childhood classrooms. Course will reflect current thinking about content and instructional strategies for social studies curriculum; identification and review of standards/expectations for learning outcomes for all children; assessment strategies for evaluating of social studies objectives; use of data driven instruction to support all children; observation of children's understanding of their social world in field placements; opportunities to explore these understandings through interviews with children and the implementation of activities. Includes Phase 1 Field Experience.
EDHD 323 Syllabus Fall 2019.pdf


EDHD 402 Social Development (3 Credits)
Social Development. Critical concepts and ideas of the study of child and adolescent social development. Focus on changes in interpersonal relationships, emotions, achievement-related behavior and competence, and functioning within the broader social context.
EDHD 402 Syllabus Fall 2019.pdf


EDHD 411 Child Growth and Development (3 Credits)
Theoretical approaches to and empirical studies of physical, psychological and social development from conception to puberty. Implications for home, school and community.
EDHD 411 Syllabus Fall 2019.pdf


EDHD 413 Adolescent Development (3 Credits)
Adolescent development, including special problems encountered in contemporary culture. Observational component and individual case study.
EDHD 413 Syllabus Fall 2019.pdf


EDHD 425 Language Development and Reading Acquisition (3 Credits)
This course focuses on young children's language development and the relationship between language and reading acquisition. Students will learn: concepts central to language development; language achievements at different ages; concepts of emergent literacy; models of reading acquisition and skilled reading.
EDHD 425-0101 Syllabus Fall 2019.pdf
EDHD 425-0201 Syllabus Fall 2019.pdf


EDHD 426 Cognitive and Motivational Literacy Content (3 Credits)
Students preparing for secondary teaching will learn about the cognitive and motivational aspects of literacy and learning from text for the content areas of literature, science, history and mathematics. Different evidenced-based literacy approaches appropriate for content learning are presented. Characteristics of learning environments that enable students to engage productively with diverse texts, disciplinary tasks, and technological resources in content areas are identified.
EDHD 426 Syllabus Fall 2019.pdf


EDHD 441 Data Driven Decision Making in EC/ECSE (1 Credit)
Students will be exposed to formative (e.g., classroom based, ongoing) and summative (e.g., standardized testing) assessments. Students will collect and analyze formative assessment data from their internship classrooms as the bases of planning and delivering instruction to meet the diverse needs of all learners. They will also analyze standardized assessment data to gain an understanding of measures used to determined cross-school and cross-teacher effectiveness. Includes Phase I field experience.
EDHD 441 Syllabus Fall 2019.pdf


EDHD 442 Interventions for Children with Behavioral Challenges (1 Credit)
Students will expand knowledge of and develop skills to address challenging behaviors in inclusive early childhood classrooms. Students examine the causes underlying challenging behaviors during the early childhood years, and identify appropriate resources and support services for working with families to develop a unified approach when responding to behavioral challenges. Includes Phase I field experience.
EDHD 442 Syllabus Fall 2019.pdf


EDHD 443 Interventions for Children with Social and Communication Challenges (1 Credit)
Students will learn about the characteristics of children with autism spectrum disorder, pervasive developmental disorder, social communication disorder, and other related challenges and will be equipped to meet the needs of this group of children in the early childhood classroom. The utilization of Universal Design for Learning (UDL), Response to Intervention (RTI) and other early childhood special education approaches, as they apply to this specific group of children, will be addressed. Interventions designed to improve the functioning of children with autism spectrum disorders and related disorders will be reviewed. Includes Phase I field experience.
EDHD 443 Syllabus Fall 2019.pdf


EDHD 444 Action Research in EC/ECSE (1 Credit)
Students will become familiar with the EC/ECSE research process, literature and how teachers use action research to improve pedagogy and the experiences of children in classrooms or home-based contexts. Students will utilize this knowledge, as well as either a goal in an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) or Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP) or School Improvement Plan (SIP), to develop an action research study commenced during the following semester. Includes Phase I field experience.
EDHD 444 Syllabus Fall 2019.pdf


EDHD 460 Educational Psychology (3 Credits)
Application of psychology to learning processes and theories. Individual differences, measurement, motivation, emotions, intelligence, attitudes, problem solving, thinking and communicating in educational settings.
EDHD 460 Syllabus Fall 2019.pdf


EDHD 498I: Special Problems in Education (3 Credits)
Special topic: Temperament and Personality in Childhood and Adolescence.
Available only to students who have definite plans for individual study of approved problems.
EDHD 498I Syllabus Fall 2019.pdf


EDHD 629 Seminar for the Center for Children, Relationships, and Culture (1 Credit)
A seminar and colloquia series featuring speakers from the department, the college, the university, and other universities and institutions from across the world that aims to cover issues pertaining to contemporary theory and research in human development.
EDHD 629 Syllabus Fall 2019.pdf


EDHD 690 Theoretical Foundations of Human Development (3 Credits)
Theoretical foundations in the field of human development with a focus on connections between the major theoretical paradigms in the literature and current research in developmental science.
EDHD 690 Syllabus Fall 2019.pdf


EDHD 711 Peer-Culture and Group Processes in Human Development (3 Credits)
The process of group formation, role-taking and status-winning, and the emergence of the peer-culture during childhood and the evolution of the child society at different maturity levels to adulthood. The developmental tasks and adjustment problems associated with winning, belonging, and playing roles in the peer group.
EDHD 711 Syllabus Fall 2019.pdf


EDHD 720 Social Development and Socialization Processes (3 Credits)
This course covers social development and socialization processes across the life-span. The course typically covers the following topics: parent-child relationships, peer relationships, moral development, social cognition, social competence, social motivation, self-regulation, and cultural influences on development. This is core doctoral course.
EDHD 720 Syllabus Fall 2019.pdf


EDHD 721 Cognitive Development and Learning: An Introduction (3 Credits)
Introductory survey into contemporary theory and research in cognitive development; applications to classroom learning.
EDHD 721 Syllabus Fall 2019.pdf


EDHD 722 Learning Theory and the Educative Process (3 Credits)
Advanced study of theories, issues and research in several categories of cognition and learning applied to education and the helping professions.
EDHD 722 Syllabus Fall 2019.pdf