- EDHI 338 Teaching and Learning about Cultural Diversity through Intergroup Dialogue (1-3) Prerequisite: Completion of on-line registration form. Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. Formerly: EDPL288. Engages students, from one or more cultural identity groups, in facilitated dialogue about the similarities and differences of experience that exist within a group and/or between and across groups. The goal of intergroup dialogue is for students to develop comfort with, and skill for, discourse on difficult topics toward the end of fostering positive, meaningful, and sustained cross-group relationships. Whereas in debate, students learn to listen to gain advantage, in intergroup dialogue, students learn to listen to gain understanding. In so doing, students develop increased multicultural interaction facility, heightened intergroup awareness and sensitivity, and greater commitment to civic engagement.
- EDHI 489 Field Experiences in Education (1-4) Restriction: Permission of EDUC-Counseling, Higher Education and Special Education department. Formerly: EDPL489. Planned field experience in education-related activities. Credit not to be granted for experiences accrued prior to registration.
- EDHI 498 Special Problems in Education (1-3) Prerequisite: Available only to students who have definite plans for individual study of approved problems. Restriction: Permission of EDUC-Counseling, Higher Education and Special Education department. Formerly: EDPL498. Available only to students who have definite plans for individual study of approved problems.
- EDHI 605 Comparative Education (3 credits) Credit only granted for: EDHI605, EDPL605, or EDPS605. Formerly: EDPL605. Analyzes and compares leading issues in education in various countries of the world, particularly as they relate to crucial problems in American education.
EDHI 606 Political Economy of Education in a Global Context (3 credits)
Credit only granted for: EDHI606, EDPL606, or EDPS606. Formerly: EDPL606.Examination of alternative economics perspectives and their implication for education policy and practice internationally, from local to global levels. The connection of education to issues of development, inequality, poverty, gender, and race will be discussed.
EDHI 650 Professional Seminar in Higher and Adult Education (3 credits)
Credit only granted for: EDHI650, EDPL650, or EDPS650. Formerly: EDPL650.
Introduction to higher and adult education as a field of study. Origins current dimensions and problems, and emerging issues. Field trips to state and national capitols, and involvement in professional conferences.
EDHI 652 Higher Education in American Society (3 credits)
Credit only granted for: EDHI652, EDPL652, or EDPS652. Formerly: EDPL652. Examines the concepts of academic freedom, corporate autonomy and institutional accountability with emphasis on twentieth century relationships between higher education and government in the United States.
EDHI 660 Retention Theories and teh Impact of College (3 credits)
Credit only granted for: EDHI660, EDPL660, or EDPS660. Formerly: EDPL660. An introduction to retention theories an the college impact literature. The primary focus will be to examine the disciplinary and philosophical frameworks that have informed the development of leading theories and policies.- Section 0101
EDHI 664 The College Experience (3 credits)
Restriction: Permission of instructor. And must be in a major within EDUC-Counseling, Higher Education and Special Education department; or must be in a major within EDUC-Education Policy and Leadership department; or must be in a major within EDUC-Teaching, Learning, Policy and Leadership department. Credit only granted for: EDHI664, EDPL664, or EDPS664. Formerly: EDPL664. Designed to provide students with an overview of the research and scholarship on two of the major stakeholders in higher education -- students and faculty. Examines the educational experiences of college students in and out of the classroom in higher education in the United States by focusing on what students learn and the different collegiate experiences that influence their learning.
EDHI 672 Modes of Inquiry in Education Research (3 credits)
Credit only granted for: EDHI672, EDPL672, or EDPS672. Formerly: EDPL672. Introduction to modes of inquiry appropriate to research on issues and problems in education. Examination of qualitative, quantitative and mixed research methods and designs with a focus on related standards of quality.
- EDHI 679 Master's Seminar (3 credits)
EDHI682 Ecological Ethics and Education (3)
Credit only granted for: EDHI682 or EDHI788E. Formerly: EDHI788E. An exploration of the paradigms, approaches, and ways of knowing offere through ecological ethics and environmental sustainability education. -
EDHI 689 Practicum In Educational Administration and Supervision (1-3 credits) Repeatable to 3 credits if content differs. Formerly: EDPL689.
Promotes skill development in managerial, leadership and supervisory areas. Practicum is based on results of diagnostic instruments and an individual professional development plan.
EDHI 750 International Higher Education (3 credits)
Credit only granted for: EDHI750, EDPL750, or EDPS750. Formerly: EDPL750. Comparison of higher education systems in several countries, and of the problems and issues in higher education faced by these countries. - Section 0101
EDHI752 State Systems of Higher Education (3 Credits)
Credit only granted for: EDHI752, EDPL752, or EDPS752. Formerly: EDPL752. Creation, operation, alteration and evaluation of state systems of higher education. Campus autonomy versus public accountability. Analysis of topics such as state planning, budget and program review, and administration of student aid and federal programs.- Section 0101
EDHI754 Higher Education Finance (3 Credits)
Credit only granted for: EDHI754, EDPL754, or EDPS754. Formerly: EDPL754. Economic perspectives on higher education. Ways of financing higher education and current finance issues. Higher education budget concepts and processes- Section 0101
EDHI 789 Doctoral Practicum in Administration and Supervision (1-3 credits) Repeatable to 3 credits if content differs. Formerly: EDPL789.
Experiential activities designed to enhance student skills. Based on Individual Professional Development Plan for each student.
EDHI 798 Special Problems in Education (1-6 credits) Formerly: EDPL798.
Master's, AGS, or doctoral candidates who desire to pursue special research problems under the direction of their advisors may register for credit under this number.
- EDHI 799 Master's Thesis Research (1-6 credits) Formerly: EDPL799.
EDHI 889 Internship in Education (3-8 credits) Restriction: Permission of EDUC-Counseling, Higher Education and Special Education department. Formerly: EDPL889.
Internship experiences at a professional level of competence in a particular role with appropriate supervision. Credit not to be granted for experience accrued prior to registration. Open only to students advanced to candidacy for doctoral degree.
- EDHI 898 Pre-Candidacy Research (1-8 credits) Formerly: EDPL898.
EDHI 899 Doctoral Dissertation Research (1-8 credits) Formerly: EDPL899.
Registration required to the extent of 6-9 hours for an Ed.D. Project and 12-18 hours for a Ph.D. Dissertation.