EDSP Course Syllabi - Spring 2015

Archived Syllabi

  • EDSP 210 Introduction to Special Education (3) Restriction: Sophomore standing or lower. Credit only granted for: EDSP210 or EDSP470. Characteristics and needs of individuals receiving special education and related services. Current issues and practices in special education.


  • EDSP211 Introduction to Special Education (3) Corequisite: EDHD210. Restriction: Sophomore standing or lower; and permission of EDUC-Counseling, Higher Education and Special Education department. Credit only granted for: EDSP210 or EDSP470. An introduction to the field of special education. Students examine historical foundations, including legislation; review components necessary for effective service delivery; and develop an understanding of the role of collaboration and consultation with parents, school personnel and other professionals. In addition, students are introduced to the nature and characteristics of various disabilities and review current issues in the field including overrepresentation of minority students in special education, inclusion, and federal and state assessment mandates. Current topics are addressed including evidence-based practices, universal design for learning, and individualization and differentiation of instruction.


  • EDSP 220 Disability in Community: Access, Accommodation, and Adaptation (3) Additional information: The course will have one hour lecture on campus throughout the semester. For the first five weeks, there will be a two hour lab that may meet via blended learning format; for the remaining 9 or 10 weeks, students will have a two hour lab in the field. Examines the concept of disability in a variety of community settings. Drawing on classic and contemporary readings in psychology, sociology and special education, the course will couple conceptual and historical understanding of disability with first-hand service-learning experiences in the community. Students will develop a plan in several phases that encompasses principles of Universal Design for Living/Learning (UDL) to study and participate in community-based activities. During the course of the semester, students practice elements of UDL in advance of applying to a selected area of emphasis in education, employment, independent living, recreation, or transportation issues affecting those with disabilities across the age span in advocacy or service organizations.


  • EDSP 289i Disability: From Stigma and Sideshow to Mainstream and Main Street (3) CORE Behavioral and Social Science (SB) Course. CORE Diversity (D) Course.

    University Honors students should register for EDSP289H.


  • EDSP 376 Fundamentals of Sign Language (3) Receptive and expressive skills in American Sign Language. Examination of the causes of deafness, characteristics of deaf education, and aspects of the culture of the deaf community.


  • EDSP 403 Instruction of Students with Physical Disabilities (3) Also offered as: EDSP603. Credit only granted for: EDSP403 or EDSP603. Assessment, curriculum, and instruction for students with physical disabilities. Focus on etiology, environmental and learning adaptations, and assistive technology.


  • EDSP 410 Functional Reading and Community Based Instruction (3) Restriction: Must be in Special Education program. Also offered as: EDSP614. Credit only granted for: EDSP410 or EDSP614. Functional assessment, curriculum, and instruction related to reading and community functioning skills for students with severe disabilities.


  • EDSP 415 Assessment in Special Education (3) Recommended: STAT100; or SOCY201. Restriction: Must be in Special Education program. Also offered as: EDSP615. Credit only granted for: EDSP415, or EDSP615. Knowledge and skills for understanding assessment process and interpretation of assessment data. Emphasis on psychometric aspects of assessment related to screening, eligibility, and program planning.


  • EDSP 416 Reading and Writing Instruction in Special Education I (3) Restriction: Must be in Special Education program. Also offered as: EDSP616. Credit only granted for: EDSP416 or EDSP616. Assessment and instruction of reading and writing skills for students in special education.


  • EDSP 423 Assessment in Early Childhood Special Education (3) Restriction: Must be in Special Education program. Also offered as: EDSP624. Credit only granted for: EDSP423 or EDSP624. Assessment procedures for infants and young children with disabilities, birth through grade 3.


  • EDSP 424 Field Placement in Special Education: Early Childhood II (2-4) Restriction: Must be in Special Education program. Field experience in early childhood special education.


  • EDSP 430 Early Intervention: Early Childhood Special Education (3) Restriction: Must be in Special Education program. Also offered as: EDSP631. Credit only granted for: EDSP430 or EDSP631. Intervention with infants and young children with disabilities. Focus on moderate and severe disabilities.


  • EDSP 435 Field Placement in Special Education: Secondary Middle II (2-4) Restriction: Must be in Special Education program. Field experience in secondary middle special education.


  • EDSP 454 Field Placement in Special Education: Elementary II (2-4) Restriction: Must be in Special Education program. Field experience in elementary special education.
  • EDSP 470 Introduction to Special Education (3) Restriction: Must not have completed EDSP210. Credit only granted for: EDSP210 or EDSP470. Designed to give an understanding of the needs of all types of exceptional children.


  • EDSP 474 Assessment in Middle/Secondary Special Education (3) Restriction: Must be in Special Education program. Also offered as: EDSP674. Credit only granted for: EDSP474 or EDSP674. Cognitive, vocational, and social assessment for students with disabilities. Emphasis on interpretation of assessment results and case management practices.


  • EDSP 476 Communicating with Sign Language (3) Prerequisite: EDSP376. Restriction: Permission of EDUC-Counseling, Higher Education and Special Education department. Intermediate level receptive/expressive skills in American Sign Language. Aspects of the culture, history, and research perspectives of the deaf community.


  • EDSP 485 Assessment and Instruction in Mathematics in Special Education (3) Restriction: Must be in Special Education program; or must be in one of the following programs (Special Education (Doctoral); Special Education (Master's)). Also offered as: EDSP683. Credit only granted for: EDSP485 or EDSP683. Instructional methods and assessment in mathematics in special education.


  • EDSP 489 Field Experiences in Special Education (1-4) Restriction: Permission of EDUC-Counseling, Higher Education and Special Education department. Planned field experience in education-related activities. Credit not to be granted for experiences accrued prior to registration.


  • EDSP 498 Special Problems in Special Education (1-6) Prerequisite: Available only to education majors who have definite plans for individual study of approved problems. Restriction: Permission of EDUC-Counseling, Higher Education and Special Education department. Available only to education majors who have definite plans for individual study of approved problems. Credit according to extent of work.


  • EDSP498B Special Problems in Special Education: Career Development and Advising


  • EDSP 603 Instruction of Students with Physical Disabilities (3 credits) Restriction: Must be in Special Education (Doctoral) program; or must be in Special Education (Master's) program. Also offered as: EDSP403. Credit only granted for: EDSP403 or EDSP603.
    Assessment, curriculum, and instruction for students with physical disabilities. Focus on etiology, environmental and learning adaptations, and assistive technology.


  • EDSP 614 Advanced Topics in Functional Reading and Community Based Instruction (3 credits)

    Restriction: Must be in Special Education (Doctoral) program; or must be in Special Education (Master's) program. Also offered as: EDSP410. Credit only granted for: EDSP410 or EDSP614.
    Functional assessment, curriculum, and instruction related to reading and community functioning skills for students with severe disabilities.


  • EDSP 615 Evaluation and Measurement of Exceptional Children and Youth (3 credits) Prerequisite: EDSP600 and EDMS646; or permission of EDUC-Counseling, Higher Education and Special Education department. Also offered as: EDSP415. Credit only granted for: EDSP415 or EDSP615.
    Deals with the understanding and interpretation of the results of psychological and educational tests applicable for use with exceptional children and youth.


  • EDSP 616 Reading and Writing Instruction in Special Education I (3 credits) Restriction: Must be in Special Education (Doctoral) program; or must be in Special Education (Master's) program. Also offered as: EDSP416. Credit only granted for: EDSP416 or EDSP616.
    Assessment and instruction of reading and writing skills and strategies for students in special education.


  • EDSP 624 Assessment in Early Childhood Special Education (3 credits) Restriction: Must be in Special Education (Doctoral) program; or must be in Special Education (Master's) program. Also offered as: EDSP423. Credit only granted for: EDSP423 or EDSP624.
    Assessment procedures for infants and young children with disabilities, birth through age eight.


  • EDSP 631 Early Intervention: Early Childhood Special Education (3 credits) Restriction: Must be in Special Education (Doctoral) program; or must be in Special Education (Master's) program. Also offered as: EDSP430. Credit only granted for: EDSP430 or EDSP631.
    Intervention with infants and young children with disabilities. Focus on moderate and severe disabilities.


  • EDSP 670 Single Subject Research in Special Education (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: EDSP600. Restriction: Permission of EDUC-Counseling, Higher Education and Special Education department.
    Design, application, and analysis of single subject research in special education classrooms across all disabilities.


  • EDSP 674 Assessment in Middle/Secondary Special Education (3 credits) Restriction: Must be in Special Education (Doctoral) program; or must be in Special Education (Master's) program. Also offered as: EDSP474. Credit only granted for: EDSP474 or EDSP674.
    Cognitive, vocational, and social assessment for students with disabilities. Emphasis on interpretation of assessment results and case management practices.


  • EDSP 683 Assessment and Instruction in Mathematics in Special Education (3 credits) Restriction: Must be in Special Education (Doctoral) program; or must be in Special Education (Master's) program. Also offered as: EDSP485. Credit only granted for: EDSP485 or EDSP683.
    Instructional methods and assessment in mathematics in special education.


  • EDSP 690 Teacher Candidate Research Seminar in Special Education (3 credits) Restriction: Must be in Special Education (Doctoral) program; or must be in Special Education (Master's) program.
    Required seminar for master's certification teacher candidates in special education focusing on research methods and applications with students having disabilities.


  • EDSP 694 Graduate Internship in Special Education II: Early Childhood (6-11 credits) Corequisite: EDSP690. Restriction: Must be in Special Education program; or must be in Special Education (Doctoral) program; or must be in Special Education (Master's) program. Credit only granted for: EDSP494, EDSP694, or EDSP889A.
    Student teaching, full-time for twelve weeks, with infants or preschool children with disabilities.


  • EDSP 695 Graduate Internship in Special Education II: Elementary (6-11 credits) Corequisite: EDSP690. Restriction: Must be in Special Education program; or must be in Special Education (Doctoral) program; or must not be in Special Education (Master's) program. Credit only granted for: EDSP495, EDSP694, or EDSP888A.
    Student teaching, full-time for twelve weeks, with students with disabilities in elementary settings.


  • EDSP 696 Graduate Internship in Special Education II: Secondary Middle (6-11 credits) Corequisite: EDSP690. Restriction: Must be in Special Education program; or must be in Special Education (Doctoral) program; or must be in Special Education (Master's) program. Credit only granted for: EDSP496, EDSP696, or EDSP889A.
    Student teaching, full-time for twelve weeks, with students with disabilities in secondary or middle school settings.


  • EDSP 798 Special Problems in Special Education (1-6 credits) Restriction: Permission of EDUC-Counseling, Higher Education and Special Education department.
    Intended for Master's, AGS, or doctoral students in education who desire to pursue a research problem.


  • EDSP798K Special Problems in Special Education: Language and Literacy Difficulties: Research and Practice (3)
      • Section 0101


  • EDSP 799 Master's Thesis Research (1-6 credits) Registration required to the extent of six hours for Master's thesis.


  • EDSP 888 Apprenticeship in Special Education (1-8 credits) Restriction: Permission of EDUC-Counseling, Higher Education and Special Education department.
    Apprentice practice under professional supervision in an area of competence compatible with the student's professional goals. Credit not to be granted for experience accrued prior to registration. Open only to degree- and certificate- seeking graduate students.


  • EDSP 889 Internship in Special Education (3-8 credits) Restriction: Permission of EDUC-Counseling, Higher Education and Special Education department.
    Internship experiences at a professional level of competence in a particular role with appropriate supervision. Credit not to be granted for experience accrued prior to registration. Open only to students advanced to candidacy for doctoral degree.


  • EDSP 898 Pre-Candidacy Research (1-8 credits)


  • EDSP 899 Doctoral Dissertation Research (1-8 credits) Registration required to the extent of 6-9 hours for an Ed.D. Project and 12-18 hours for a Ph.D. dissertation.