Education Policy and Leadership Course Offerings


200-399   |   400-499   |   600-699   |   700-799   |   800-899   |   Schedule of Classes

EDPL 600: Education and Society (3).
Considers how social institutions
influence -- and in turn are influenced by -- education policies and

EDPL 601: Contemporary Social Issues in Education (3).
Theoretical and
practical consideration of vital social issues currently affecting

EDPL 605: Comparative Education (3).
Analyzes and compares leading issues
in education in various countries of the world, particularly as they
relate to crucial problems in American education.

EDPL 606 Political Economy of Education in a Global Context (3).
will be granted for only one of the following: EDPL 606 or EDPL 788.
Formerly EDPL 788. Examination of alternative economics perspectives and
their implications for education policy and practice internationally, from
local to global levels. The connection of education to issues of
development, inequality, poverty, gender, and race will be discussed.

EDPL 607 Culture and Education in a Global Context (3).
Credit will be granted for only one of the following: EDPL 788V or EDPL
607. Formerly EDPL 788V. Examines cultural theories and analyzes cultural
influences in education. Course materials and discussion critically
analyze cultural transmission and schooling practices. Also examined are
politics of culture, multiculturalism, global cultural clashes, and
educators as critical culture workers.

EDPL 608: Gender and Education (3).
The course examines feminist theories
on gender inequity, and analyzes social impacts on girls' and women's
education. Also examined are women's ways of knowing, issues of race and
class, gender and development, ecofeminism and technology for women.

EDPL 610: History of Western Education (3).
Educational institutions
through the ancient, medieval and early modern periods in western
civilization, as seen against a background of socio-economic development.

EDPL 611: History of Education in the United States (3).
A study of the
origins and development of education in the United States, emphasizing the
variety of interpretive and methodological concerns that define the field.

EDPL 612: Philosophy of Education (3).
A study of the great educational
philosophers and systems of thought affecting the development of modern
education, with particular emphasis on recent scholarship on philosophical
problems in education.

EDPL 613: Educational Sociology (3).
The sociological study of education
as an evolving set of methods and procedures, and body of knowledge.
Focuses on several major theoretical perspectives used by sociologists
studying education.

EDPL 614: Politics of Education (3).
Educational institutions as political
entities with an emphasis on their relationships with federal, state, and
local governments as well as with interest groups. The application of
competing models of the political process to the passing of laws,
development of budgets, and the control of the formulation,
implementation, and evaluation of education policies.

EDPL 615: Economics of Education (3).
An application of economic
principles to the study of education policy. The course content revolves
around issues of efficiency, equity, and freedom of choice. Specific
attention is devoted to school finance litigation and reform, practices
for raising and allocating resources, and educational productivity issues.

EDPL 620: Education Policy Analysis I (3).
Introduction to the education
policy process, including antecedents, framing of problems and solutions
within policies, policy implementation, and policy consequences. Includes
theoretical and applied readings as well as opportunities to apply
concepts to actual policy issues.

EDPL 621: Education Policy/Program Evaluation and Organizational Decision
Making (3).
This course examines alternative approaches to the evaluation
of education policies/programs; provides opportunities to conceptualize
and conduct an evaluation; addresses various uses of evaluative
information, including its role in organizational decision making.

EDPL 622: Education Policy, Values, and Social Change (3).
Examination of
relationships among educational policy, values, and social change. Roles
of educational organizations and institutional change in such social
issues as equity and cultural diversity.

EDPL 623: Education Policy and Theories of Change (3).
The work of change
theorists in history, economics, political science, philosophy, sociology
and anthropology as it impinges upon education policy.

EDPL 624: Culture in Education Policy and Practice (3).
The exploration of
culture as it shapes and is reflected in education purposes, policies, and
practices. Participants will have opportunities to engage in cultural
analysis, to analyze unfamiliar cultural habits and associations, to
develop a focus for intensive comparative cultural study in education, and
to integrate a field work component into their studies.

EDPL 625: Federal Education Policy (3).
Federal involvement in education
in the United States from 1780 to the present, emphasizing the effects of
legislation, court decisions, agencies, and presidential initiatives on
the distribution of education opportunities.

EDPL 626: Education Policy and the Young (3).
The systematic exploration
of education policy as it has organized, reflected and influenced the
lives of children, youth, and families, with particular emphasis on
American policies and systems.

EDPL 627: Education Policy: An International Perspective (3).
An analysis
of education policy issues in various parts of the world. Comparisons with
the United States. Teachers' organizations and citizen participation in
policy determination. Ethnic and racial group pressures and attempts to
control education policy.

EDPL 630 Analyzing Systemwide Education Policy (3).
Analysis of how assessments are made of systemwide education policy based
on the approaches used in studies of national education policy by
international agencies.

EDPL 634: The School Curriculum (3).
A foundations course embracing the
curriculum as a whole from early childhood through adolescence, including
a review of historical developments, an analysis of conditions affecting
curriculum change, an examination of issues in curriculum making, and a
consideration of current trends in curriculum design.

EDPL 635: Principles of Curriculum Development (3).
Curriculum planning,
improvement, and evaluation in the schools; principles for the selection
and organization of the content and learning experiences; ways of working
in classroom and school on curriculum improvement.

EDPL 636: Communication and the School Curriculum (3).
development based on communication as the major vehicle for describing the
learner's interactions with persons, knowledge, and materials in the
classroom and school environment.

EDPL 640: Introduction to Educational Leadership (3).
Introduction to
Educational Leadership (3). Analysis of the emerging role of educational
administrator leaders in the social, political and legal contexts of
schools, also examines the role of leadership in school improvement.

EDPL 641: Planning and Goal Setting in Educational Organizations (3).
Essential aspects of planning for educational organizations addressed
through case studies in instructional programming, community involvement,
fiscal and physical planning.

EDPL 642: Management of Change in Educational Organizations (3).
Role of
individual as a change agent; issues related to effecting change within
organizational subsystems and total systems are considered. Specific
strategies for successful change in schools are addressed.

EDPL 643: Management of Human Resources in Education (3).
issues related to the management of human resources. Strategies for
managing human resources; ethical issues confronting managers; personnel
and collective bargaining.

EDPL 645: Managing Instructional Improvement (3).
Development of knowledge
and skills in the use of data bases to improve instruction.

EDPL 646: Leadership for Instructional Improvement (3).
Prerequisite: EDPL
645 or permission of the instructor. Techniques for engaging staff and
others in instructional improvement. Supervisory models and approaches
which involve teachers as members of collegial units.

EDPL 647: Seminar on Administration of Instructional Improvement (3).
Prerequisite: EDPL 645, EDPL 646 or equivalent. Analysis and application
of instructional improvement concepts in elementary, middle, and senior
high schools. Implications of research and practice for restructuring.

EDPL 650: Professional Seminar in Higher and Adult Education (3).
Introduction to higher and adult eduction as a field of study. Origins,
current dimensions and problems, and emerging issues. Field trips to state
and national capitols, and involvement in professional conferences.

EDPL 651: Higher Education Law (3).
Selected court opinions, legislation
and executive guidelines regulating higher education. First and fourth
amendment rights of students and faculty, procedural due process, equal
educational opportunity, equal protection in hiring, promotion,
non-renewal and salaries, individual and institutional liability for civil
rights violations and common law torts. No prior legal training required.

EDPL 652: Higher Education in American Society (3).
Examines the concepts
of academic freedom, corporate autonomy and institutional accountability
with emphasis on twentieth century relationships between higher education
and government in the United States.

EDPL 653: Organization and Administration of Higher Education (3).
concepts and terminology related to organizational behavior and
institutional governance structures. The governance and organization of
higher education in the United States.

EDPL 654: The Community and Junior College (3).
Historical development and
philosophical foundations of community and junior colleges in America with
emphasis on organizational and administrative structures in two year
institutions and the clientele they serve.

EDPL 655: Administration of Adult and Continuing Education (3).
overview of the field of Adult/Continuing Education focusing on the
administration of institutions and organizations that provide both credit
and non-credit educational experiences for adult learners.

EDPL 656: Academic Administration. Recommended: EDPL 650.
Management of
human resources in higher education. Emphasis on faculty personnel
policies: tenure, affirmative action, compensation, evaluation,
development, motivation. Course based on case study method.

EDPL 657: History of Higher Education in the United States (3).
History of
higher education in America from colonial times to the present with
emphasis on expansion of higher education and the growing complexity of
its structures, organization, and purposes.

EDPL 660: Retention Theories and the Impact of College (3).
introduction to retention theories and the college impact literature. The
primary focus will be to examine the disciplinary and philosophical
frameworks that have informed the development of leading theories and

EDPL 661: The Retention of College Students: Academic, Social and Cultural
Implications (3).
This course will focus on experience in the academy and
will provide an opportunity to gather interview data from students,
faculty, and staff to contrast and analyze institutional retention

EDPL 662: Research on Ethnic Minorities and Demographic Trends in Higher
Education (3).
This course is designed to examine the current research on
ethnic minority student populations including issues of access, campus
climate, racial identity, achievement and motivation. In addition to
student issues, the course will examine issues for faculty of color in
higher education, curriculum and teaching, and leadership and governance.
Essentially students will understand how the broad demographic changes in
the nation have impacted higher education over time.

EDPL 663: Policy Formulation in Education (3).
Various levels of school
governance. Analysis of policy formation, administration and evaluation issues.

EDPL 664: The College Experience (3).
This course is designed to provide
students with an overview of the research and scholarship on two of the
major stakeholders in higher education - students and faculty. It examines
the educational experiences of college students in and out of the
classroom in higher education in the United States by focusing on what
students learn and the different collegiate experiences that influence
their learning.

EDPL 670: Developing Learning Communities in Educational Organizations
This course is designed to examine the current research on forms,
conditions, and potentialities for community development in educational
organizations. The course will pay particular attention to institutional
and cultural forces in modern society that hinder or give impetus to new
forms of constructed community. Issues of group and individual development
will be addressed as well.

EDPL 671: Education Law and Policy (3).
An examination of the way judicial
interpretation of common, statutory, and constitutional law shapes and
constrains educational policy making. Special emphasis on topics framed
under the headings of liberalism and legalism.

EDPL 672: Research Issues in Educational Administration (3).
Use of
research to improve administrative practice. Administrative role in the
conduct of research and evaluation.

EDPL 673: Collective Bargaining in Elementary-Secondary Education (3).
Evolution and impact of collective bargaining in elementary and secondary
education. Impact of collective bargaining on the educational power
structure, third-party community interests and education policy making.

EDPL 675: Public School Personnel Administration (3).
A comparison of
practices with principles governing the satisfaction of school personnel
needs, including a study of tenure, salary schedules, supervision,
rewards, and other benefits.

EDPL 676: School Finance and Business Administration (3).
Introduction to
principles and practices in the administration of the public school
finance activity. Sources of tax revenue, the budget, and the function of
finance in the educational program are considered.

EDPL 679: Master's Seminar (3).
Directed study for master's degree
students writing seminar papers.

EDPL 689: Practicum in Educational Administration and Supervision (1-3).
Promotes skill development in managerial, leadership and supervisory
areas. Practicum is based on results of diagnostic instruments and an
individual professional development plan.

EDPL 690: Research in Education Policy, Planning and Administration (3).
Introduction to research methods and designs used in studies of Education
Policy and Leadership.

200-399   |   400-499   |   600-699   |   700-799   |   800-899   |   Schedule of Classes