200-399 | 400-499 | 600-699 | 700-799 | 800-899 | Schedule of Classes
EDPL 700: Qualitative Research Methods in Education (3).
methods in education research, emphasizing the paradigms of philosophy,
history, sociology, anthropology, and comparative studies as they rely on
narrative rather than quantitative ordering of data.
EDPL 703: Quantitative Applications for Education Policy Analysis (3).
Students use quantitative applications and secondary datasets to
investigate social problems and education policies. Emphasis on the use of
quasi-experimental designs and regression techniques to frame education
issues, analyze practices, and recommend policies. Prerequisite: EDMS 645
or equivalent.
EDPL 705: International Educational Change (3).
Exploration and analysis
of major trends in education in several parts of the world, with attention
directed to educational change as the outcome of deliberate efforts by
nations and international organizations as well as those which occur
without central planning or direction.
EDPL 706: Education in Developing Countries (3).
Examination of the
development of modern educational systems in Africa, Asia and Latin
America out of the colonial and traditional past into the independent
present and future. Focus is on research on changing philosophies and
persistent educational problems in these societies.
EDPL 707: Education Planning in Developing Countries (3).
An examination
of the international and social context as well as methods and problems of
education development planning in developing countries, focusing on the
multiple role of the development consultant and case studies.
EDPL 711: Oral History and Education (3).
Prerequisite: permission of
instructor required. This graduate course will introduce students to the
art, science, and craft of oral history as reflected in education
purposes, policies and practices.
EDPL 712: Analysis of Educational Concepts (3).
Analyses of selected
concepts used in thinking about education.
EDPL 725: Education in East Asia (3).
The course traces the cultural and
intellectual history of education in East Asia, and examine features and
important issues in East Asian education systems. School reform and social
changes are studied.
EDPL 730: Seminar on Case Study Methods (3).
Conceived as both an analysis
of case study methods and a laboratory for applying course content to
research topics/projects of interest to students, this course addresses a
range of conceptual, methodological, ethical, political, and logistical
issues embedded in efforts to conduct thoughtful, "disciplined" case study
research. Since this course focuses on case study research, it may be
particularly helpful to students who are exploring various approaches to
research or who are contemplating using case study methods in their theses
and/or dissertations.
EDPL 732: History of Curriculum Theory and Development (3).
Prerequisite: EDPL 635 or permission of department. The writings of major educators in
curriculum. Conceptual and formal similarities and differences between
current curriculum projects and historical antecedents. Survey of
curriculum materials for classroom use in their relationship to the
curriculum theory of their time.
EDPL 737: Phenomenological Inquiry (3).
Philosophic grounding for
phenomenological inquiry as a human science. Guided writing practice in
doing phenomenological inquiry on a selected lived experience phenomenon.
EDPL 738: Scholarly Thought and Contemporary Curriculum (1-3).
Prerequisite: permission of department. Repeatable to 6 credits. Current
curricular trends, issues, theory, and research in the light of past
curricular and social thought.
EDPL 740: Managing Educational Organizations in a Diverse Society (3).
Contemporary social and cultural influences that impact on the management
of educational organizations in a diverse society. The effects on schools
of changes in the economy, family structure, demographics and technology.
EDPL 741: Policy Studies in Educational Administration (3).
Emphasis on
understanding the role of participants/procedures used in the development
of public policies that affect educational organizations; development of
technical skills related to the policy process.
EDPL 742: Philosophical and Ethical Dimensions of Education Policy and
Leadership (3).
Critical examination of ethical issues confronting
education leaders and policymakers in a liberal-democratic society.
Organized around tensions between individual and collective interests, the
course addresses issues such as the rights and responsibilities of
teachers, limits of democratic authority, and equality of educational
EDPL 743: Leadership Theory (3).
Prerequisites: EDPL 642. Critical
analysis of contemporary leadership theoretical constructs. Consideration
of implications for organizational improvement.
EDPL 744: Organizational Theory in Research and Practice (3).
This course
provides an overview of the study of organizations for graduate students
interested in education and social policy. Class lectures focus on
contrasting theories and critiquing application of theories to social
policy problems with an emphasis on education. Case materials focus on a
variety of organizational areas including: schools, hospitals, non-profit
community based organizations, the arts, elected bodies, higher education
and private business.
EDPL 746: Restructuring Schools (3).
Prerequisites: EDPL 642; or
permission of department. Issues related to restructuring. Roles of
faculty and administrators are emphasized.
EDPL 747: Advanced Seminar on Instructional Improvement (3).
Prerequisites: EDPL 647; or permission of department. Current issues,
trends, and problems in the areas of instructional improvement and the
supervisory responsibilities of school-based administrators.
EDPL 750: International Higher Education (3).
Comparison of higher
education systems in several countries, and of the problems and issues in
higher education faced by these countries.
EDPL 751: Law, Equity, & Diversity in Education (3).
An examination of
"dilemmas of difference" on selected issues that arise at the intersection
of law and education policy. Dilemmas and value conflicts imbedded in
modern federal and state case law dealing with race, gender, sexual
orientation, religion and handicap provide the substantive focus for class
deliberations about meanings of equality and neutrality in a pluralistic
democratic society.
EDPL 752: State Systems of Higher Education (3).
Creation, operation,
alteration and evaluation of state systems of higher education. Campus
autonomy versus public accountability. Analysis of topics such as state
planning, budget and program review, and administration of student aid and
federal programs.
EDPL 753: Higher Education Planning (3).
Prerequisite: EDPL 653 or
permission of department. Social science concepts underlying planning.
Applications of planning concepts and techniques to higher education at
institutional, state and national levels.
EDPL 754: Higher Education Finance (3).
Economic perspectives on higher
education. Ways of financing higher education and current finance issues.
Higher education budget concepts and processes.
EDPL 755: Federal Policies in Post-Secondary Education (3).
Evolution of
the federal role, its current scope and funding. Policy issues associated
with federal student aid programs, research grants and social equity
EDPL 756: Curriculum in Higher Education (3).
Conditions affecting
curriculum change in higher education, including critical analysis of
various bases for the college curriculum in the context of college and
university life.
EDPL 757: College Teaching (3).
Critical review of literature on teaching
in higher education from conceptual and practical viewpoints. Designed for
current and prospective adult educators. Focused on research and
improvement of instruction.
EDPL 759: Seminar in Adult and Continuing Education (3).
Current issues
and problems in adult and continuing education and lifelong learning in
EDPL 760: The Human Dimension in Administration (3).
Theory, research
findings, and laboratory experiences in human skills in organizations.
EDPL 761: Group Relationships in Administration (3).
Group relationships
and relevant administrative skills in educational settings. The role of
authority, group maturation, group member roles, group decision-making,
and intra-group and inter-group conflict.
EDPL 766: Managing Productive Schools (3).
Prerequisite: EDPL 646; or EDPL
647; or permission of department. For administration/supervision majors
only. Primary areas of principal's role; the critical process
areas--decision-making, planning, and communications related to those task
EDPL 767: The Effective Principal (3).
Research on school principal
effectiveness emphasizing conditions of and methodologies for assessing
principal/school effectiveness.
EDPL 772: Practicum in Leadership Behaviors (3).
Practicum in the use of
social exchange behaviors in administrative/leadership situations.
Emphasis on development and refinement of exchange behaviors enhancing
employee commitment and productivity in human service organizations.
EDPL 788: Special Topics in Education Policy and Administration (1-3).
Prerequisite: permission of department. Repeatable to 6 credits. Special
and intensive treatment of current topics and issues in education policy
and administration.
EDPS 788A/EDCI 788A: Seminar in Mixed Methods: An Analysis of Teaching Quality.
Permission of instructor. Students
examine issues in the use of mixed methods by conducting data analyses using existing qualitative and quantitative datasets on the teaching of mathematics and
reading in elementary schools. Background in qualitative and/or quantitative methods required.
EDPS 788K: Alternative Learning and Democratic Schooling.
In resistance against the current standards and testing trend in education, and aided by internet access to a broad selection of learning opportunities, a growing number of families in the US are choosing alternative educational paths. In this course, students will examine and explore a variety of commonly-chosen learning options, including homeschooling, unschooling, Sudbury schools and other public and private settings that emphasize democratic, child-directed learning. Current research into philosophies, outcomes and measures of life satisfaction of the various approaches will be reviewed and analyzed.
EDPL 788L: Introduction to Modes of Computer Assisted Qualitative Data Analysis (CAQDA).
This course
focuses on design of CAQDA analytic processes appropriate to different approaches to qualitative inquiry. Provides opportunities to design analytic plans and conduct data analysis using one CAQDA program. Prerequisite: Course(s) in qualitative research methods, or permission of instructor. Hybrid Delivery: some sessions will be conducted online. (Spring 2013)
EDPL 789: Doctoral Practicum in Administration and Supervision (3).
Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. Experiential activities
designed to enhance student skills. Based on Individual Professional
Development Plan for each student.
EDPL 798: Special Problems in Education (1-6).
Master's, AGS, or doctoral
candidates who desire to pursue special research problems under the
direction of their advisors may register for credit under this number.
EDPL 799: Master's Thesis Research (1-6).
Registration required to the
extent of six hours for master's thesis.
200-399 | 400-499 | 600-699 | 700-799 | 800-899 | Schedule of Classes