Educational Policy and Leadership Admissions Overview

To be considered for admission to this Divsion within the Department of Teaching and Learning, Policy and Leadership at the University of Maryland each applicant must submit an application and supplemental materials directly to the Graduate School.
When completing your online application, all your application materials must have the correct Major/Program and Program Code as follows: Select Education Policy Studies - EDPS.

The following areas of specialization are offered within the Division of Education Policy and Leadership:

  • Education Policy
  • Socio-cultural Foundations of Education
  • Curriculum Theory and Development
  • Organizational Leadership and Policy Studies (OLPS)*

Students are asked to select the area that most closely fits their desired area of study and research interests. For more information, refer to Academic Programs for more information on degrees and programs of study in EDPS. If you are still uncertain after reading about the different specializations, you may want to talk with an advisor either by phone or in person.

* Admissions to the PhD program in Organizational Leadership and Policy Studies has been suspended until fall 2013


Area of Specialization

Application Deadlines

M.A., Ph.D. All Areas of Specialization

Fall Semester

Preferred: December 1
Final: February 15

Spring Semester (Master's Only)
September 1st

Application Deadlines for International Applicants

February 1 is the deadline for international applicants for all programs for Spring and Fall semesters.

The deadlines listed above are for ALL applicants, foreign and domestic.

Please note: applications are not reviewed until they are complete. The deadlines refer to complete application packets. Since it takes time to compile the various components of an application package, it is to the student's advantage to apply well before the published deadline. This is especially true if the applicant intends to be considered for a fellowship, assistantship, or other form of financial aid.

Please click on the links below for more information:

Online Application

Admissions Criteria

How To Apply

International Applicants

Non-degree Admissions


After your Application has been submitted:
Shortly after submitting your online application, you will be contacted via email to complete the "Application Supplemental Form" (ASF) found at the Apra/Maryland Electronic Graduate System (MEGS) website. This is the automatic electronic system which will allow you to track the status of your application and the receipt of the support documents that you must submit. The email will give you log-on instructions and request that you enter information about your previous institutions and recommenders.

Should the application arrive after the stated deadline, the application will automatically be considered for the next admissible semester.