Goals and Objectives

Goal 1: Students will integrate psychological science and practice.

  • Objective 1a: Students will be well-versed in foundational scientific knowledge including, but not limited to: (a) human development, (b) human learning, (c) social aspects behavior, (d) biological aspects of behavior, (e) psychological measurement, and (e) cultural and individual differences.

    • Competency 1a.1: Students will demonstrate knowledge of human development, and of biological, social, cognitive and affective aspects of behavior, in the context of an appreciation of history and systems of ideas in psychology.
    • Competency 1a.2: Students will demonstrate knowledge of psychological measurement, and the ability to use such knowledge in research and practice.
    • Competency 1.a.3: Students will demonstrate knowledge of cultural and individual differences, and will demonstrate application of such knowledge in both research and practice.

  • Objective 1b: Students demonstrate competency in understanding and using research design and methods.

    • Competency 1b.1: Students will be able to choose appropriate research designs and statistical procedures when designing and conducting research.
    • Competency 1b.2: Students will be able to conceptualize research problems, identify sources of data, assess treatment or intervention integrity, and measure constructs.

  • Objective 1c: Students demonstrate knowledge of, competencies in, and use of methods and techniques of practice of scientifically demonstrated efficacy, and will understand the theoretical and research findings upon which such practices are based.

    • Competency 1c.1:  Students will demonstrate knowledge of methods of evaluation of interventions consistent with the principles of evidence-based practice and theory, and will use evidence-based interventions in their applied work.
    • Competency 1c.2:  Students will demonstrate the ability to evaluate assessment methods as to the evidence and theory base for those methods, and will use evidence-based assessment methods in their applied work.

  • Objective 1d: Students and graduates will conduct basic or applied research.
    • Competency 1d.1: Students will demonstrate the ability to conduct research of the quality that will merit publication or presentation at national conferences.

Goal 2:  Students will demonstrate entry-level competence with regard to both the direct and indirect service models, as articulated in the behavioral science literature.

  • Objective 2a: Students demonstrate conceptual understanding of the two predominant service models (indirect, direct) articulated in the school psychology literature.

    • Competency 2.a.1:  Students will demonstrate knowledge of the various conceptual models underlying school psychology practice and the diversity of functions that flow from these models

  • Objective 2b: Students demonstrate knowledge of theory and research pertinent to the direct service model, and demonstrate the ability to apply such knowledge to the solution of identified client problems.


    • Competency 2b.1: Students will demonstrate the ability to evaluate and select assessment methods appropriate for client and/or setting characteristics, and the purposes for which the assessment is being conducted.
    • Competency 2b.2: Students will demonstrate at least entry-level competence with regard to commonly used assessment techniques, including academic, behavioral, cognitive, personality, and psychoeducational assessment.
    • Competency 2b.3: Competency:  Students will be able to integrate and synthesize assessment information from a variety of sources in relation to the client and/or setting characteristics, and the purposes for which the assessment is being conducted and formulate recommendations for intervention based on that synthesis.
    • Competency 2b.4:  Students will demonstrate skill in effectively communicating assessment-based interpretations and recommendations in both written and oral form to parents, teachers, and other professionals.
    • Competency 2b.5:  Students will demonstrate an understanding of assessment-related issues of cultural and personal diversity, and the ability to apply this understanding to their assessment work.

Individual and Group Interventions

    • Competency 2b.6:  Students will demonstrate a knowledge and skill in applying a range of theories and methods to therapeutic interventions with children and adolescents.
    • Competency 2b.7:  Students will demonstrate knowledge of preventive and remedial interventions for specific problems particularly prevalent among school-age children and adolescents in schools.
    • Competency 2b.8:  Students will demonstrate skill in managing group processes in therapeutic and preventive interventions.
    • Competency 2b.9:  Students will demonstrate an understanding of intervention-related issues of cultural and personal diversity, and the ability to apply this understanding to their intervention work.

  • Objective 2c: Students will demonstrate knowledge of theory and research pertinent to the indirect service model, and will demonstrate the ability to apply such knowledge to the solution of identified client problems.

    • Competency 2c.1:  Students will demonstrate knowledge of the organizational structure, including school culture, and context of the school setting based on classical and modern organization theory.
    • Competency 2c.2:  Students will demonstrate knowledge classroom- and school-based interventions of demonstrated efficacy.
    • Competency 2c.3:  Students will demonstrate a knowledge and skill in applying theories and methods of case- and consultee-centered consultation, particularly as applied to consultation with teachers, families, administrators, and students.
    • Competency 2c.4:  Students will demonstrate knowledge of team-based approaches to problem-solving in schools, and the ability to work effectively as a member of such teams.
    • Competency 2c.5:  Students will demonstrate an understanding of indirect-service-related issues of cultural and personal diversity, and the ability to apply this understanding to their work.

Goal 3:  Students will develop identities as psychologists with a specialty in school psychology.

  • Objective/Competency 3a: Students demonstrate knowledge of the historical development of psychology and of school psychology in the context of current psychological issues and problems.

  • Objective 3b: Students will demonstrate knowledge of the specialty of school psychology in terms of its historical development, traditional and emerging roles and functions, and its scope of research and practice.

    • Competency 3b.1:  Students will demonstrate the ability to acquire knowledge about emerging or novel roles for psychologists in schools and other educational settings, and the ability to place contemporary developments in the context of the history of psychological research and practice.

  • Objective 3c: Students will demonstrate professional identities as psychologists.
    • Competency/Outcome 3c.1:  Program students and graduates will hold membership and participate in professional and scientific organizations relevant to the profession.

Goal 4: Students will develop an understanding of, and demonstrate commitment to, ethical principles regarding practice and research.

  • Objective 4a: Students will demonstrate knowledge of, and make decisions in accordance with, ethical principles in their practice and research.

    • Competency 4a.1:  Students will demonstrate an understanding of professional ethical principles and standards as articulated by relevant organizations, including APA and NASP.
    • Competency 4a.2:  Students will demonstrate knowledge of legal regulations relevant to school psychologists, particularly with regard to state laws pertaining to the practice of psychology, confidentiality and its limits, IDEA, FERPA, and related regulations.
    • Competency 4a.3: In their practica, fieldwork, internships, and research students will demonstrate compliance with ethical standards and legal requirements.