Click to view an interview with a program graduate:
Master's Certification Program (MCERT) for Secondary Education
Do you want to be a teacher? Do you have a college degree?
In just one year, you can earn a master's degree and become certified to teach in secondary schools.
Take advantage of the University of Maryland, College of Education's Masters Certification (MCERT) program.
More information go to MCERT webpage
Five Year Integrates Master's Certification Program (IMCP) for Secondary Education
Do you want to be a teacher? There is an option to get complete an undergraduate math major, receive certification, and complete a masters degreee in five years.
Take advantage of the University of Maryland, College of Education's Masters Certification (IMCP) program.
More information go to IMCP webpage
Questions regarding the Application Process:
Joy Jones
2311 Benjamin Bldg.
University of Maryland
College Park, MD. 20742
tel: 301-405-3118