HESI Preview 2018

Higher Education, Student Affairs, and International Education Policy

Thank you for your engagement in the 2020 Preview process; please refer to https://ejobs.umd.edu/ for future updates pertaining to Graduate Assistantships. 


Welcome to the Higher Education, Student Affairs, and International Education Policy (HESI) Preview website!

Benjamin CHSE

UMD HESI Preview is designed to provide prospective students with information, through formal and informal interactions with current faculty and students, about the program in which they have been granted admission.  Each spring, since 1988, newly admitted master's and doctoral students have had the opportunity to engage with their cohorts, become oriented to the campus and surrounding community, and interview for graduate assistantships.


The Preview Program officially begins with check-in, a campus tour, and a luncheon at 12:00pm on Sunday, February 25th.  Our last session will end at 1:30 pm on Tuesday, February 27th, but you may allow for extra time on Tuesday afternoon if you wish to schedule additional assistantship interviews or visit a class.

If you have decided not to attend the University of Maryland, please let your program concentration know as soon as possible.  Higher Education Concentration admits should contact Dr. Marvin Titus (mtitus@umd.edu), Student Affairs Concentration admits should contact Dr. Michelle Espino Lira (mespino@umd.edu), and International Education Policy Concentration admits should contact Dr. Steven Klees (sklees@umd.edu).


This Preview Program schedule is for general planning purposes only.  You will receive a schedule specific to your degree program and interview opportunities via email.  If you have questions about the schedule, please contact the UMD Preview Committee.  For your convenience, an interactive version of the campus map is available here.


Check-In by the Testudo statue in the first floor lobby of

Adele H. Stamp Student Union


Campus Tour


Lunch with the HESI program

Cambridge Community Center


Official Welcome and Orientation


Dialogue on Diversity and Dessert Reception

Cambridge Community Center


Optional Fraternity & Sorority Life Resident and House Director

Info Session/Apartment Tour

Dinner included, transportation to 14 Fraternity Row will be available



Optional University of Maryland, Baltimore County Residence Life

Info Session

Location TBA


Bagels, Cream Cheese, and Snacks, Sponsored by The Orientation Office

Multicultural Involvement & Community Advocacy (MICA) and Leadership & Community Service-Learning (LCSL) Suite, 1121 Stamp Student Union


Lounge space will be provided in 

Multicultural Involvement & Community Advocacy (MICA) and Leadership & Community Service-Learning (LCSL) Suite, 1121 Stamp Student Union

9:00-9:45amInterview Slot 1
10:00-10:45amInterview Slot 2
11:00-11:45amInterview Slot 3


Luncheon for Candidates and Employers in Atrium 1107 Stamp Student Union

1:30-2:15pmInterview Slot 4
2:30-3:15pmInterview Slot 5
3:30-4:15pmInterview Slot 6

Optional Classes 

EDHI608 Gender and Education with Dr. Stromquist in 3233 Benjamin Building

EDHI653 Organization and Administration of Higher Education with Dr. Cabrera in 1121 Benjamin Building

4:30–5:15pmInterview Slot 7


Master's Student Dinner at Potomac, meet by the Testudo statue in Stamp Student Union


Ph.D. Student Dinner at Franklins, meet by the Testudo statue in Stamp Student Union


Optional Class EDHI788K Ed Policy and Admin; SABER: A Critical Analysis with Dr. Klees in 3233 Benjamin Building



Bagels, Cream Cheese, and Snacks, Sponsored by The Orientation Office

Multicultural Involvement & Community Advocacy (MICA) and Leadership & Community Service-Learning (LCSL) Suite, 1121 Stamp Student Union


Lounge space 

Multicultural Involvement & Community Advocacy (MICA) and Leadership & Community Service-Learning (LCSL) Suite, 1121 Stamp Student Union

9:00-9:45amInterview Slot 8

Optional Class EDCP776 Social Justice in Student Affairs and Higher Education, Dr. Sablan, 3233 Benjamin Building

10:00-10:45amInterview Slot 9


Interview Slot 10

Student Showcase and Send Off Luncheon in Atrium 1107 Stamp Student Union


Optional Class

EDCP773 Designing Qualitative Research in Student Affairs with Dr. Espino Lira in 2101 Benjamin Building


Optional Open Interview Slots, Not scheduled by committee but may be arranged between employers/students


Optional Classes 

EDHI662 Research on Ethnic Minorities and Demographic Trends in Higher Ed, Dr. Fries-Britt, 2101 Benjamin Building

EDHI684 Alternative Education, Alternative Development with Dr. Klees in 3217 Art-Sociology Building

EDCP655 Organizational Dimensions of Student Affairs with Dr. Griffin in 3233 Benjamin Building


Optional Class EDHI710 Globalization and Education with Dr. Stromquist in 3233 Benjamin Building