Hestness Wins Graduate School's All-STAR Award

COLLEGE PARK, MD (April, 2015) – U.S. News & Congratulations to Emily Hestness on receiving an All-STAR Fellowship from the UMD Graduate School!

As a Ph.D. student finishing her third year of study in the Department of Teaching and Learning, Policy and Leadership’s Science Education concentration, Hestness distinguished herself with a dissertation proposal investigating middle school students’ perspectives on climate change. She has published research in the Journal of Geoscience Education, a prominent peer-reviewed journal, co-authored five chapters for books, including the Second International Handbook of Science Education, and co-presented eight peer-reviewed papers at research conferences.

Dr. Randy McGinnis, director of the Center for Science and Technology in Education, extolled Hestness for eight semesters of service as a research assistant for MADE CLEAR (Maryland and Delaware Climate Change Education, Assessment, and Research), a project funded by the National Science Foundation. For the last two summers, Hestness has contributed curriculum development and research expertise to professional development workshops for science teachers in Delaware and Maryland. She also led a summer environmental camp for middle school students at UMD’s partner charter school, College Park Academy, and this year she continued her work there by helping to plan a collaborative sustainability project. Dr. McGinnis also notes that Hestness has brought innovation to the course she teaches at the College, Elementary Science Methods (EDCI 372), particularly in her use of educational technology.

About 4,000 graduate students serve the University of Maryland as teaching, administrative, or research assistants. The Graduate All-STAR Fellowships honor graduate students who exhibit both outstanding scholarship within their programs and exemplary work as graduate assistants. The award comes with a $10,000 supplemental stipend.

To learn more about fellowships and awards from the Graduate School, click here.


For more information on the College of Education, visit: www.education.umd.edu

Media contact

Joshua Lavender, Communications Coordinator, at: lavender@umd.edu