Department of Human Development Awarded(NIH) Graduate Training Program in Social Development


COLLEGE PARK, MD (May 2011) – Pre–doctoral students interested in studying peer relationships, parent–child relationships, child language and developmental neuroscience among other research topics can now join the College of Education’s Graduate Training Program in Social Development within EDHD. The program is funded by the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) within the National Institutes of Health (NIH). A weekly colloquia series will be sponsored by the Center for Children Relationships and Culture for those students within the training program.

The purpose of the program is to provide support to pre–doctoral students for graduate training in the areas of social development as well as funding to help with infrastructure of the training. Graduate training in social development within the University of Maryland allows students to contribute to the basic knowledge, synthesis of knowledge, and the integration of knowledge in the multi disciplinary field of human development. Included in this area of training is a basic understanding of social–affective, social–cognitive, social–neuroscience, social–relational, and social–cultural processes in normal and clinical populations.

Students can work with nine core social development faculty within the Department of Human Development as well as 15 affiliated faculty from the Department of Measurement and Statistics, Department of Psychology and institutions such as Georgetown University, George Mason University, UMBC, NICHD and the National Institute of Mental Health. For a complete list of faculty, click here.

The NIH Graduate Training Program in Social Development at the University of Maryland is one of five training grants programs actively supported by the Cognitive, Social and Affective Development area of NICHD during the 2011 award cycle. Pre–doctoral students interested in this graduate training program should contact Dr. Melanie Killen at

Faculty List for NIH Graduate Training Program in Social Development

9 Core Faculty Members in EDHD

Dr. Natasha Cabrera

Dr. Nathan Fox

Dr. Brenda Jones Harden

Dr. Melanie Killen

Dr. Geetha B. Ramani

Dr. Meredith Rowe

Dr. Kenneth H. Rubin

Dr. Kathyrn B. Wentzel

Dr. Allan Wigfield

15 Affiliated Faculty

Senior Scientist  James BlairNational Institutes of Mental Health

Dr. Donald Bolger—University of Maryland, Department of Human Development

Marc Bornstein, Head— Child and Family Research Section at the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development

Dr. Jude Cassidy—University of Maryland, Department of Psychology

Dr. Charissa Cheah— UMBC, Department of Psychology

Dr. Andrea Chronis-Tuscano—University of Maryland, Department of Psychology

Dr. David Crystal— Georgetown University, Department of Psychology

Dr. Susanne Denham— George Mason University, Department of Psychology

Dr. Gregory Hancock—Chair, University of Maryland, Department of Measurement and Statistics

Daniel Pine, Chief— Section on Development and Affective Neuroscience, National Institutes of Mental Health

Dr. Tracy Riggins—University of Maryland, Department of Psychology

Dr. Stephen Suomi, Chief—Laboratory of Comparative Ethology, National Institute of Child Health and Human Development

Dr. Min Wang— University of Maryland, Department of Human Development

Scientist Jim Winslow—National Institutes of Mental Health

Dr. Amanda Woodward— University of Chicago, Department of Psychology


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