NICHD/NIH Graduate Training Program in Social Development

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NICHD/NIH Graduate Training Program

The Department of Human Development and Quantitative Methodology at the University of Maryland sponsors a National Institutes of Health (NIH) Graduate Training Program in Social Development. This program provides pre-doctoral support for graduate training in the area of social development, and funding to help with the infrastructure of the training. The purposes of graduate training in social development in the Department of Human Development and Institute for Child Study are to contribute to basic knowledge, to the synthesis of knowledge, and to the integration of knowledge in research, practice, and policy in the multi-disciplinary field of human development. Included in this area of training is a basic understanding of social-affective, social-cognitive, social-neuroscience, social-relational, and social-cultural processes in normal and clinical populations.

Research topics within social development include peer relationships, parent-child relationships, discourse and child language, developmental neuroscience, social-cognitive development, moral development, achievement motivation, play and cognitive development, social goals, intergroup attitudes, father involvement, prejudice, low-income families and children at risk, and cultural influences on development.

There are nine core social development (Drs. Cabrera, Fox, Jones-Harden, Killen, Ramani, Rowe, Rubin, Wentzel, Wigfield), and 15 affiliated faculty (Drs. Blair, Bolger, Bornstein, Cassidy, Cheah, Chronis-Tuscano, Crystal, Denham, Hancock, Pine, Riggins, Suomi, Wang, Winslow, Woodward). The core faculty are tenured and tenure-track faculty in the Department of Human Development. The affiliated faculty members are from the Department of Human Development and Quantitative Methodology, as well as the Department of Psychology, and from such off-campus institutions as Georgetown University, George Mason University, UMBC, and the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development and the National Institute of Mental Health. A weekly colloquia series is sponsored by the Center for Children, Relationships, and Culture for the training program community.

The NIH Graduate Training Program in Social Development is funded from the Child Behavior and Development Branch of the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD), a major institute within the National Institutes of Health. In the United States, there were five Training grant programs actively supported by the Cognitive, Social and Affective Development area of NICHD during our last award, including our program.

Students interested in studying social development should contact any of the faculty above regarding specific areas within social development. For specific information about the NIH Graduate Training Program, contact Dr. Melanie Killen (Director), email:, or Dr. Allan Wigfield (Co-Director), email: