Departments of Counseling, Higher Education and Special Education Human Development and Quantitative Methodology

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First-time freshmen students that are admitted to the University for the Fall or Spring Semesters are automatically admitted to the Pre-Professional Early Childhood/Early Childhood Special Education program. Once admitted to the University, students in the Early Childhood/Early Childhood Special Education major will apply to the Professional Program in Teacher Education at around the time they reach 45 credits. This application process will consist of satisfying the following requirements:

  1. Fundamental Math with a “C-” or better
  2. Fundamental English with a “C-” or better
  3. Minimum of 45 Credits
  4. Cumulative GPA of a 2.75 at UMD
  5. EDHD 220: Introduction to Early Childhood with a “B-” or better
  6. Gateway Courses with a 2.7 GPA
    1. MATH 212 Elements of Math
    2. MATH 213 Elements of Geometry
    3. Physical Science w/ Lab
    4. Biological Science w/ Lab

Academic Admission Requirements

  1. Successful Completion of a test of basic skills.  Please consult an academic advisor for current testing requirements.
  2. Overall UMCP GPA of 2.75

 Gateway Review

Fundamental English/Academic Writing (minimum grade of C-)

Fundamental Math (minimum grade of C-)

EDHD 220 or EDCI 280 (minimum grade of B-)

Math/Science Gateway Courses: (the overall GPA in these courses must average to a 2.70 or higher)

Math 212

Math 213

Biological Lab Science

Physical Lab Science

Experiential Requirements

  1. Goal Statement - The goal statement serves as your introduction to the program faculty as a potential Early Childhood or Elementary professional. This cohesive essay, which should be no more than two pages, should address the questions on the back of the application form. The goal statement will be evaluated for content as well as for spelling and grammar.
  2. Prior Experience - A brief description of previous paid or volunteer experiences working with children should be included.
  3. Letters of Recommendation - Three letters of recommendation are required.  Recommendations should come from individuals who can address your potential as a teacher. For ECE, one letter must be from an instructor.

Deadlines: All applications are due to the Office of Student Services by May 1 for ECE, and either May 1 or December 1 for Elementary. Applications may be submitted pending semester academic requirements (i.e. test scores, course grades). Students are responsible for ensuring that they have met all admission requirements.

Early Childhood/Early Childhood Special Education Four-year plan/requirements