CHSE Graduate Student Association

Welcome! The Graduate Student Association of the Counseling, Higher Education, and Special Education department (CHSE GSA) is a student-led, department affiliated organization. We are committed to serving our fellow CHSE graduate students and ensuring that all of our needs, opinions, and concerns remain a priority to the department. The members of the Graduate Student Association Executive Board look forward to representing you for the 2016-2017 academic year.

Interested in learning more? Check out our FAQs below.

Click here to meet our Executive Board


What does the CHSE GSA do?

The purpose of the CHSE GSA is to serve the needs and advocate for you as graduate students of the department of Counseling, Higher Education, and Special Education. How we accomplish this can take many forms.

We may convene meetings to bring graduate students and faculty together to discuss policies that affect students. We may host social events to foster social exchange or brown bag discussions to foster professional exchange. We assist with the New Student Orientation and provide input at the department and individual program meetings.

We are always looking for more ways to facilitate the success of graduate students in the CHSE department and welcome any suggestions you have for more things we could be doing. We welcome any and all ideas; this organization is for the students, so we're open to hearing what you want from us.

Read the full CHSE GSA Constitution here.

How do I become a member?

If you're a CHSE grad student, you already are! Graduate students are deemed Members of the CHSE GSA by virtue of their current enrollment in a program within the CHSE department.

Who runs the GSA?

CHSE GSA is governed by an elected body of student leaders. The executive board is comprised of a President, Vice President, Secretary-Treasurer, and a Representative from each of the Program Areas: COSP, SpED, and HEDI. Check out the Executive Board to learn more about your 2013-2014 Board members.

How do I become involved?

There are many ways to get involved. From time to time we will send out announcements for events we are hosting or events that are open to CHSE graduate students. Your presence at these events is a great way to show your involvement. If there are other ways in which you'd like to be involved, just email us.

Do other departments have GSAs?

The department of Teaching and Learning, Policy and Leadership (TLPL) has a GSA. Some program areas also have student-run organizations, such as Human Development and School Psychology.

How do I contact the CHSE GSA?

You can email to reach everyone on the board. Our staff advisor is Carol Scott, and she can be reached at