School Psychosocial Climate-Teacher Reports
School Psychosocial Climate-Student Reports
School Population-Teacher Characteristics
School Population-Student Characteristic
School Psychosocial Climate: Teacher Reports |
ESB Climate Scale | Meaning |
Safety | Indicates how safe teachers report the school environment to be. |
Morale | Indicates the degree of enthusiasm of a school's faculty and faculty confidence in the school. A high score means that teachers are likely to be enthusiastic and to participate in the development of new programs. A low score suggests that many faculty share a sense of resignation about the school and little confidence that much can be done about it. |
Planning and Action | Indicates teacher reports of the degree to which the school takes an experimenting or innovative approach to planning school improvements and is open to confront rather than ignore emerging problems. |
Administrative Leadership | Indicates how teachers perceive the school administration. A high score implies that teachers perceive that they get the help they need to do their jobs when they need it, that the administrator is supportive of teachers, that administrators reward staff for doing a good job, and that there is little conflict or tension between teaching staff and administrators. |
Resources | Indicates whether teachers report adequate instructional supplies and other resources or whether they report difficulty in obtaining needed teaching supplies. |
Race Relations | Indicates (in integrated schools) how well different ethnic groups get along. In schools with students and faculty of only one ethnic group, this scale should be disregarded. |
Parent/Community Involvement | Indicates the degree to which the school uses community resources in its programs. |
Student Influence | Indicates teacher perceptions of the extent to which students participate in school decisions. |
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School Psychosocial Climate: Student Reports |
ESB Climate Scale | Meaning |
Safety | Indicates how safe students report the school environment to be. |
Respect for Students | Indicates how students feel they are treated in the school. A high score means that students are treated with dignity; a low score suggests that students are subjected to degrading experiences or treated with a lack of respect. This scale is a general indicator of whether students perceive their treatment in the school in positive or negative ways. |
Fairness of Rules | Indicates whether students believe the school's rules are equitable and fairly administered. Low scores imply that students perceive injustice or inequity; high scores imply they perceive fairness and even-handed rule enforcement. |
Clarity of Rules | Indicates whether students know what the school rules are -- and what the consequences are for rule violation. Low scores imply students may not know what the rules are or may be uncertain about the consequences for rule violation. |
Student Influence | Summarizes the students' point of view about the extent to which they are able to influence matters of concern to them. A low score implies students feel powerless to bring about desired changes in school practices; a high score implies students feel the school is open to their suggestions. |
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School Population: Teacher Characteristics |
ESB Teacher Scale | Meaning |
Pro-integration Attitude | Indicates average teacher attitudes toward integrated education. A high score suggests that teachers view integrated education in a positive way; a low score suggests that the average teacher may be somewhat insensitive to issues of racial equity. |
Job Satisfaction | Indicates how the teachers feel about their jobs -- a measure of the quality of work-life in the school. |
Interaction with Students | Indicates how much positive social interaction the average teacher reports having with students. A high score implies that many teachers report friendly interaction with students. |
Personal Security | Indicates the average teacher's experience of personal victimization. In a low -scoring school, relatively many teachers report receiving obscene remarks or gestures, threats, thefts, or even attacks. A high score implies teachers rarely experience indignities or victimization in the school. |
Classroom Orderliness | Indicates how orderly the average teacher's classroom is. A high score implies classrooms are typically orderly; a low score implies that disruption interferes with teaching in many classrooms. |
Professional Development | Indicates how much exposure to continuing education the average teacher has had in the past year. |
Nonauthoritarian Attitudes | Indicates the average teacher's attitude about student-teacher authority relations. A low score implies many teachers have a punitive, moralistic attitude about student misbehavior. A high score implies many teachers have a more flexible attitude about coping with student misconduct. |
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School Population: Student Characteristics |
ESB Student Scale | Meaning |
Parental Education | Summarizes information about the educational background of the average student's parents. |
Positive Peer Associations | Describes peer relations for the average student. A high score means most students have friends who value school and avoid trouble; a low score implies many students' friends dislike school and get into trouble. |
Educational Expectation | Indicates the level of student academic orientation. A high score means the average student expects to complete a great deal of education. |
Social Integration | Indicates whether students feel integrated with or alienated from the social order of the school. A low score means many students feel alienated. |
Attachment to School | Indicates students' liking for school. |
Belief in Rules | Indicates the extent to which students believe in the validity of conventional social rules. A high score implies most students regard conventional rules as appropriate guides to conduct; a low score indicates that many students feel free to violate rules. |
Disciplined Behavior | Indicates whether students generally display good conduct or rebellious behavior in school, based on the average students' reports of conduct. A low score means that a school is characterized by a great deal of disruptive behavior. |
Positive Self-Concept | Indicates how students describe themselves. A high score means the average student has high self-esteem and sees him/herself as a rule-abiding person. |
School Effort | Indicates how much care and effort the average student devotes to school work. |
Avoidance of Punishment | Summarizes information about how often the average student is punished. A low score implies much student punishment; a high score implies little punishment. |
School Rewards | Indicates how much the average student is rewarded for his or her behavior. |
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