Earn a Master's Degree in Secondary Teaching through an Affordable One Year Program
Preparing to become an outstanding secondary school teacher is now faster, more affordable and more cutting-edge, thanks to our newly renovated Master’s Certification (MCERT) Secondary program. Candidates preparing to teach Secondary Computer Science, English, Math, Science, and Social Studies, along with those preparing to teach Art or World Languages in any P-12 schools, can now complete their Master’s degree and requirements for their teaching certificate with just 36 credits.
Key program changes include:
- More hybrid and online course offerings, including entirely online classes for the first summer session, so candidates can continue working and/or residing elsewhere until in-person and hybrid classes begin on July 15th
- No Saturday classes
- Enhanced three-course sequence focused on working with students with diverse strengths and needs, including English Language Learners and Students with Exceptionalities
- New Digital Literacy Tools & Communities course
- Program ends 6 weeks earlier, with graduation in May
What does not change is the exceptional preparation our candidates receive through their UMD coursework and their extensive teaching internship experiences in our four partner school districts.
Kay Moon, Program Coordinator
(301) 405-4448
Program Information: go.umd.edu/mcert