Dr. Ramon Goings

Dr. Ramon Goings

Diversifying the Teacher Workforce: Insights from the Field
Room 0220 Benjamin Building

Diversifying the teaching workforce has emerged as a pressing educational issue for researchers, policy makers, and
practitioners. Consequently, a majority of the research on teacher diversity has focused on pathways into the
profession and the experiences in classrooms for teachers of color. However, school district human resource officers
play a significant role in who gets hired for teaching positions but have not been a central component of the teacher
diversity scholarly discourse. This is troubling considering recent research that suggest teachers of color are less likely
to be hired for teaching positions than White candidates and are more likely to be placed in high needs schools. Thus,
in this presentation I will first share my research agenda and center my work within the scholarly discourse on
teacher diversity. I will then share findings from a forthcoming publication in the Journal of School Leadership that
uses intuition as a conceptual frame to examine school district human resource officers’ perspectives on hiring
teachers of color. I will then focus on implications of this study for urban education and explore my future research
and grantsmanship trajectory.

Dr. Goings Flyer                      Dr. Goings CV                      Dr. Goings Publication