Improving mathematics teachers' attention to student thinking through a Lesson Study adaptation

The Center for Mathematics Education Colloquia Series kicks off with a talk by Dr. Gloriana Gonzales from the University of Urbana-Champaign.  The colloquium series will be virtual for the 2020-21 academic year. Each speaker will deliver their talk via Zoom.

Abstract: Lesson Study is a professional development strategy from Japan that supports instructional improvement.  Adopting Lesson Study in the United States has been challenging for various reasons. In the talk, I will present the results from my NSF-CAREER grant where  I adapted Lesson Study by adding technology.  Specifically, the lesson study cycle started with teachers’ discussions of animations during the “instructional materials” step and concluded with video club discussions in the “reflection” step. The teachers participating in the study increased their attention to student thinking in the video club sessions and the classroom implementation of the lessons over two years. I will discuss design issues pertaining to the professional development model that integrates Lesson Study, animation discussions, and video clubs.  

Zoom Meeting Id: 990 6344 0339         Passcode: Math   

Zoom Link:

Gloriana Gonzales Headshot
Gloriana Gonzalez Colloquium Flyer