From Referrals to Suspensions: New Evidence on Racial Disparities in Exclusionary Discipline

Education Policy Colloquium Series
Benjamin Building room 2119

ABSTRACT: We use novel data on disciplinary referrals, including those that do not lead to suspensions, to better understand the  origins of racial disparities in exclusionary discipline. We find significant differences between Black and white students in both referral rates and the rate at which referrals convert to suspensions. An infraction fixed-effects research design that compares the disciplinary outcomes of white and non-white students who were involved in the same multi-student incident identifies systematic racial biases in sentencing decisions. On both the intensive and extensive margins, minoritized students receive harsher sentences than their white co­ conspirators. This result is driven by high school infractions and applies to all infraction types. Reducing racial disparities in exclusionary discipline will require addressing underlying gaps in disciplinary referrals and the systematic biases that appear in the adjudication recess.

MEP flyer 10-27-2021.pdf