Non-Degree Certification


Maryland Science Mathematics Resident Teacher (MSMaRT) Program

A Federally Funded Alternative Teacher Preparation Program

MSMaRT is a partially-funded 31 credit-hour* post-baccalaureate teacher certification program designed to help you become fully credentialed and employed in a reduced period of time. Middle grades math or science.

Post Baccalaureate Certification (PBC)

Students may want to consider this option if they are not interested in pursuing a master's degree. Students must have completion of a bachelor's degree and appropriate coursework/relevant studies or experiences to meet content area standards in an approved secondary education content major. Students must have successful completion of prerequisite professional courses or the capacity to complete them prior to the main internship semester; passing scores on Praxis I and Praxis II content exams; minimum 3.0 gpa overall and in the content courses used to meet requirements for the secondary education content major. Students need to apply as Advanced Special Students.

Graduate Program in Middle School Mathematics

This graduate program includes the mathematics content and mathematics pedagogy courses from the Master's of Education in Middle School Mathematics (A and B above). These courses have been approved by the State of Maryland to be included as part of the courses to get an add-on certification through credit count to a current teaching certificate in Middle School Mathematics. In order to get this add-on endorsement in Middle School mathematics, you need to submit your transcripts to MSDE with 12 undergraduate or graduate mathematics credits that are also approved by the State.