Policy Makers

M Circle overhead view on UMD campus
With its focus on the teaching of mathematics in urban schools, like those around us, the Center for Mathematics Education is committed to supported conversations with policymakers and with other mathematics educators about influencing policy debates. Faculty members in the Center have been paying special attention to issues related to changes in high school graduation policies.

In February 2008, the Center sponsored a small invitational conference for practitioners and mathematics educators concerned about changes to high school graduation requirements.

In September 2008, the Center, with NSF-funding and co-sponsor Math is More, held a larger, national conference for mathematics educators to consider the Future of High School Mathematics. Please click here  to see the conference agenda and on-line briefing book. Click here for the Math Is More site with the conference report, powerpoint slideshows of presentations, and video of plenary talks.

Center Spotlight

ELGebra: Middle School Common Core Mathematics Instruction for English
Language Learners

Beginning in March 2017, the ELGebra program will offer two graduate-level courses aimed at developing PGCPS teachers’ content knowledge and pedagogical content knowledge to teach Common Core mathematics to English Learners.