
The CYC operates a :

At the Center for Young Children, the teachers, who hold degrees in Early Childhood Education, work with children using the Study Approach to complement their development within seven learning areas: Personal and Social Development, Language and Literacy, Mathematical Thinking, Scientific Thinking, Social Studies, The Arts, and Physical Development.

The Curriculum

The CYC bases its
curriculum on both teacher knowledge and what is meaningful for
each child. Curriculum emerges from a collaboration between teacher
direction and children’s interests.

Some of the goals
of the curriculum are:

  • To encourage children
    to be actively involved in the learning process.
  • To prompt children
    to think creatively.
  • To aide children
    in asking questions and discovering answers.
  • To encourage children
    to become curious and enthusiastic learners.
  • To support children
    in experiencing success and developing self-confidence.
  • To promote, model and support appropriate
    social behavior.

Each learning area is considered as teachers set up appropriate materials for exploration and scaffolding of knowledge, as well as in the choice of study topics that allow for first-hand experiences. The Center for Young Children's Study Approach is based in theory on the educational philosophy of John Dewey and the Project Approach, a set of teaching strategies that enable teachers to guide children through in-depth studies of real world topics. Each study topic is explored for several weeks, giving the children opportunities to ask questions, actively explore hands on materials, interview experts, reflect on information gained, and share new knowledge with peers.

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