Research Projects


Center Spotlight

Dr. Daniel Chazan's ThEMaT 3 project participated in the National Science Foundation's 2015 Teaching and Learning Video Showcase. We invite you to view the 3 minute video Developing Rich Media-based Materials for Practice-based Teacher Education.

:: Connected Mathematics Project

Dr. James Fey serves as the Co-Principal Investigator on the Connected Mathematics Project (CMP). CMP is a standards-based middle school curriculum that emphasizes investigation of mathematical ideas through collaborative problem solving. The Project is currently in the final year of development, field-testing, and support for implementation of a major revision.


:: Core-Plus Mathematics Project
Dr. James Fey serves as the Co-Principal Investigator on the Core-Plus Mathematics Project, an NSF-funded curriculum project. The Core-Plus Mathematics Project is in the fourth year of development, field-testing, and support for implementation of a major revision to this standards-based high school curriculum that emphasizes investigation of mathematical ideas in the context of solving realistic quantitative problems.


:: High Quality Teaching Study


Dr. Anna Graeber is a senior researcher on the High-Quality Teaching Study (HQT), which is supported by a grant from the Interagency Education Research Initiative. The HQT is a four-year study of teaching quality that focuses on what teachers do to help struggling 4th and 5th grade students succeed in reading and mathematics, as well as how various education policies and organizational factors influence the ability of teachers to scale up and sustain effective pedagogy over time.