Specialization in Geography and History

SOCIAL STUDIES EDUCATION Specialization Area (Ph.D. )

The Social Studies/Geography and History Education Specialization Area faculty provide specialized graduate study opportunities for individuals interested in teaching or the preparation of teachers in history, geography or social studies education. The graduate programs are tailored to meet the needs of individual students and may include preparation for both school and non-school settings. Graduate programs focus on translating theory into practice for the social studies educator and contain a strong research component. Inquiry and research methodologies as they relate to the social sciences and social studies education are examined. Faculty are involved in a range of research and writing activities as well as providing service to the profession. Specialization area options in Social Studies education are offered at the master’s level in the M.Ed. in Teacher Leadership and at the doctoral level. 

Department Core Requirements: (minimum 18 credits) more info...
All EDCI doctoral students must meet the Department Core requirements as described.

Social Studies Program Specialty Courses: (12 credits minimum)
EDCI 720 Theory & Research in Social Studies Education
EDCI 787 Disciplinary Knowledge, School Subjects, and Educational Reform 
EDCI 820 Seminar in Social Studies Education

and one of the following… 
EDCI 782 Power, Privilege, Diversity and Teaching 
EDCI 784 Teaching, Professional Development, and School Change

Electives (15 credits minimum)
Examples: Courses in Curriculum Theory, Educational Social Foundations Leadership, Academic Disciplines (e.g., History, Geography, Political Science, African American Studies), additional research methods.

Dissertation Research: Minimum of 12 credits of EDCI 899 for PhD.

The doctorate requires a planned sequence of approximately 60 credits beyond the master’s degree, or 90 credits beyond the bachelor’s degree.