Teacher education certification programs

The College of Education is committed to providing teacher education programs that foster development of critical knowledge and skills needed to effectively teach all children, PreK-16, in our diverse and multicultural society. Our programs reflect the College of Education's mission of excellence and equity through research, teaching, and service.  We are committed to drawing upon research to improve our practice.  Our professional preparation programs include rigorous and relevant coursework and field experiences to help our students develop the knowledge, skills, and dispositions necessary for successful teaching careers.  

The teacher preparation programs at the University of Maryland engage students in both content and pedagogical knowledge through a combination of rigorous academic coursework and multiple field experiences in diverse classroom settings.  These complementary experiences enhance our graduates’ commitment to the education profession and help to advance their students’ learning and development, while fostering equity in the schools where they work. As a result of this thorough preparation in both content and pedagogy, our graduates enter the teaching profession ready to embrace their responsibility for advancing the learning and development of their PreK-16 students, advocate for equity in the school districts and classrooms where they work, and lead others toward these same goals. 

We are committed to excellence and equity for our faculty, staff and students. Our goal is not solely to prepare good educators, but to prepare exceptional educators who understand teaching and learning and commit themselves to meet the needs of a diverse student body within the community and schools in which they work.


The College of Education envisions a world in which every individual has equal access to life-long learning and opportunities for healthy development and each person’s distinct abilities are nurtured from potential to achievement.  We aim to prepare accomplished professionals who can advance the learning and development of their students and who are ready to become leaders in the field of education. 


Our mission is to foster the learning and development of PreK-12 students through our educator preparation programs, leadership, research, advocacy, and partnerships.  We aim to prepare educators with the skills and commitments necessary to ensure equity for all students in the public schools and classrooms they will lead.

The College of Education is dedicated to rigorous evidence-based research and responsibility to the surrounding community. Our core values include diversity and equity, innovation and creativity, internationalization, and policy engagement.