Q: How can I receive certification to teach in the State of Maryland?
Certification to teach in the State of Maryland can be obtained in two ways: 1) Completion of a degree that leads to certification, or 2) completion of credit count certification.
Q: What degree programs leading to certification are available at UM?
The Department of Curriculum and Instruction at The University of Maryland at College Park offers 1) Bachelors' degree programs in Elementary Education and Secondary Education, 2) The Maryland Master's Certification Program, 3) Master's - Creative Initiatives In Teacher Education, and 4) Master's Degree - Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages. Students who do not yet possess a bachelor's degree may transfer to UM and complete the undergraduate degree. Students who already have an undergraduate degree in a field other than education may consider completing a second bachelor's degree or one of the Master's programs that lead to certification.
Q: What bachelor's degree programs does UM offer?
Undergraduate programs in the Department of Teaching and Learning, Policy and Leadership leading to certification include Elementary; Secondary programs in Art, English, English/Speech and English/Theatre, Foreign Language - Spanish, French, German, Italian, Chinese or Russian, Mathematics, Science - Biology, Physics, Chemistry, or Earth Science, and Social Studies - History/Geography.
Q: How can I start working on the bachelor's degree at UM?
Prior to being admitted into the College of Education you must first be admitted as an undergraduate (or, if you have already been a student at UM, you need to be reinstated). To obtain an undergraduate application and further information on admissions, please contact Undergraduate Admissions, Mitchell Building, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland 20742-5235, telephone (301) 314-8385.
Q: What courses will I need to take?
Each of the undergraduate education programs has three types of requirements: (1) general liberal studies, (2) pre-professional, and (3) professional. All students must meet the core liberal arts requirements. Pre-professional requirements are courses required for the major, but do not have admission to the College of Education as a prerequisite. Professional requirements are courses which can be taken only after the students has been admitted to the College of Education.
Students who already have a four-year degree from an accredited institution and are seeking a second bachelor's degree need only complete those courses which they lack from the pre-professional and professional requirements. Typically, students pursuing the second bachelor's degree need at least four semesters of full-time course work to complete these requirements. Transfer students may also need to complete core requirements. For more information about bachelor's degree programs and/or your specific situation, please consult an advisor in the Undergraduate Advising Office, Room 1204 Benjamin Building, telephone (301) 405-2364.
Q: Once I have been admitted to UM as an undergraduate, what do I need to do to be admitted to the College of Education?
There are eight (8) requirements for admission to the College of Education.
- completion of at least forty-five (45) credits
- cumulative GPA of 2.50 or better with at least twelve (12) semester hours at UM
- completion of Freshman English Composition (ENGL 101) with a "C" or better
- completion of College Algebra (MATH 110) with a "C" or better
- passing scores on the Praxis I examination
- listing of prior experiences in the education field
- written goal statement
- three letters of recommendation
The elementary education program is a PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION ADMISSIONS PROGRAM . Please see the EDCI undergraduate advisors for the department requirements.
Q: What should I do if I already possess a bachelor's degree?
Prospective students that already hold a bachelor's degree in a subject area may apply for the Master's Certification Program (MMCP) or Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) Program.
Q: Can I pursue my studies at College Park on a part-time basis?
Not completely. Secondary education programs can be pursued on a part-time basis up to the student teaching semester, which requires a full-time semester long commitment. The Elementary program has a semester of full-time professional methods as well as a semester of student teaching required. The Master's Certification Program for Elementary and Secondary teachers is a full-time, twelve month program.
Q: Can I pursue my studies at College Park by taking evening classes?
The UM undergraduate degree programs are designed for full-time undergraduates. As a result, very few undergraduate courses are offered in the evening. In fact, a number of education courses require that you be available for off-campus day-time field placements anywhere from one to five days a week. Undergraduate and graduate teacher education programs at College Park are essentially designed for full-time students. The exception is the CITE Program, which students work as classroom aides during regular school hours and take courses in the evenings. Consult the Schedule of Classes each semester for the availability of late afternoon and evening courses.
Q: Upon completion of a degree program from UM will I actually receive a teaching certificate?
No. Upon graduating, you will receive a diploma indicating that you have completed an NCATE and NASDTEC accredited bachelor's degree program in teacher education. Your name will be sent to the Maryland State Department of Education, MSDE, verifying that you are eligible for certification. Upon being offered a teaching contract form one of Maryland's County Boards of Education, their personnel officer will process the application for the certificate. Or you may apply direct to the MSDE for your certificate. Additional questions about receiving the certificate should be directed to the MSDE. If you seek certification in another state after graduation, that state will determine how you must verify eligibility for certification.
Q: What is credit count certification?
Degree holding students seeking certification may also request that a Certification Specialist at the Maryland State Department of Education review their transcripts to identify exactly what courses would be required to comlete the requirements for Maryland certification. Such students would then take only those courses without earning an additional degree. Although this may be an attractive option for some students, it is not possible to pursue credit count certification at UM. The Department of Curriculum and Instruction's methods courses, other professional courses, and student teaching are open only to UM degree seeking students. For more information on how to have your credentials evaluated, contact the Maryland State Department of Education, 200 West Baltimore Street, Baltimore, Maryland 21202, telephone (410) 767-0412 or visit their website at: www.msde.state.md.us.
Q: Can I take courses at College Park toward credit count certification?
No. Enrollment in all of our methods and student teaching courses is limited only to degree seeking students at College Park who have been fully admitted to a program in teacher education. It may be possible to take some courses over the summer sessions or in departments other than Curriculum and Instruction. Check with Hood, Mount St. Mary's, Loyola, Notre Dame, Towson, and Bowie State University and other area institutions to see what they have for credit count certification.
Q: What kind of academic advising is available for prospective degree seeking students with intended majors in the College of Education?
General questions about admission requirements, evaluation of transfer credits, the status of your academic records, and graduation requirements should be directed to the office of Student Services, 1204 Benjamin Building, telephone (301) 405-2364, or visit the Department's Advising website.