Writing a Statement of Purpose

Our Admissions Committee sees the Statement of Purpose as an important sample of your ability to organize your thoughts and express yourself clearly. We also look for interests which are similar to the aims and purposes of the Department and to those of individual faculty.

Describe your research and applied interests. Include experiences that are related to your interest in psychology and human development (i.e., research and teaching assistantships, internships, or traineeships) Include only those experiences that are directly related to your pre-professional development.

Be specific - this will help the Committee assign you the most appropriate advisor. For example, you might indicate that you are interested in adolescence. Then mention some specific topics you are interested in. (e.g., research on motivation and teacher-student relationships). Your statement should demonstrate that you know something about your topics of special interest.

Explain how the interests of specific faculty or those described for the program relate to your interests. Indicate if you have communicated with a potential faculty advisor in the Department and how your interests intersect with his or hers. We strongly advise you to contact faculty in advance of your application to discuss common interests. It is appropriate to mention more than one faculty member in your statement if you have multiple interests .

Indicate what you want to do with the degree. Make sure your career goal is consistent with what the department offers. Note that the Department does not offer an APA approved clinical psychology program and does not offer the professional courses or practica required for license as a clinical, counseling, or school psychologist.

Write a clear, concise, well-organized statement. Check the grammar and spelling and have someone proofread your Statement for clarity.