In an effort to support staff health, Educational Technology Services (ETS) is participating in a pilot evaluation of sit-stand desk devices. The risks of a sedentary lifestyle (and in particular, of those in fields such as IT) have been front and center in the news over the past two years, and having an option that reduces sitting-time during work hours is part of a potential solution. Studies have shown that a mix of both is beneficial, making sit-stand desks a flexible option.
"These may not be for everyone, but even as I was considering a solution for myself, and trying to think of ways to offer the same to staff whom were interested, two serendipitous events occurred,” explains ETS director, Steve Pragel. “First, Rosalia [Webb] broached the subject in one of our LTS meetings as something she was interested in. Second, upon inquiry for options with a master contract vendor, I was informed of a pilot program that would offer two free units contingent upon user evaluation and feedback. That sealed the deal."
Getting the units for free made that an easy decision to make, but was not the sole consideration. "Having options that were transferrable based on the role of the individual or the computer-of-choice was an important consideration," says Steve.
Another option considered was a fixed standing desk with a high stool. This would have allowed both sitting and standing, but would have made it awkward for those that have meetings frequently.
Please feel free to stop by Steve (0231 Benjamin) or Rosalia’s office (0302 Benjamin) to view these units in action.