COLLEGE PARK, MD (May, 2014) – Did you lose valuable class time during the snow days this year?
Think about weather-proofing your course using ELMS!
Weatherproofing your course does not require a complete redesign. In three easy steps you can reduce the impact of unexpected events, such as weather or student illness, on your students’ ability to keep up with course content.
Canvas spaces are created for all university term-based courses in ELMS, so you generally don’t have to request space if you have a course in Testudo.
1. Provide Course Announcements
This is an alternate way of communicating with your students about current course activities or topics of interest. Announcements are sent to your students via email, text message, Facebook, or Twitter, based upon their preferences.
2. Upload Your Course Syllabus Online
This provides an easy way for students to review the syllabus at any time.
3. Upload Course Content into the “Files” area
You can upload course readings, PowerPoints, or other documents.
Weather-proofing your course not only provides the benefits of an alternate area for students to find course resources, but can also serve as an introduction to this technology for those who have been reluctant to jump in. It’s a great way to get started and can lead to more advanced use of this valuable tool, such as synchronous instruction via videoconferencing (Big Blue Button or Adobe Connect).
For additional information on weather-proofing your course, please contact Rosalia Webb at ETS at rosalia5@umd.edu or register for the upcoming workshop on 5/28: workshops