Kenneth Rubin

Charter Fellow, International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development, 2016.
Fellow, American Psychological Association (Division 7), 1986
Fellow, Association for Psychological Science, 2006
Fellow, Canadian Psychological Association
(see CV for complete list)
1. Malti, T. & Rubin, K.H. (Eds.). (2018). Handbook of Child and Adolescent Aggression. New York: Guilford. ISBN 9781462526208
2. Bukowski, W., Laursen, B., & Rubin, K.H., (Eds.). (2018). Handbook of Peer Interactions, Relationships, and Groups. 2nd Edition. New York: Guilford. ISBN 9781462525010
3. Chen, X. & Rubin, K.H. (Eds.). (2011). Socioemotional Development in Cultural Context. New York: Guilford. ISBN 978-1609181864
4. Rubin, K.H. & Coplan, R.J. (Eds.). (2010). The Development of Shyness and Social Withdrawal. New York: Guilford.
5. Rubin, K.H. & Coplan, R.J. (2013).子どもの社会的ひきこもりとシャイネスの発達心理学 [The development of shyness and social withdrawal]. Tokyo: Akashi Shoten.
6. Gazelle, H. & Rubin, K.H. (Eds.). (2010). Social Anxiety in Childhood: Bridging Developmental and Clinical Perspectives. New Directions in Child and Adolescent Development, Vol. 127. San Francisco: Jossey Bass.
(Last 5 Years Only; see CV for complete list)
Peer Reviewed Journal Articles
(Last 5 Years Only; see CV for complete list)
* designates student or post-doc co-author
(Last 10 Years Only; see CV for complete list)
2010-2013 PTDC/PSI-PDE/098257/2008: Friendship and family relationships in the trajectories of socially withdrawn middle adolescents. (PI, António J. Santos; Co-PIs -- Manuela Veríssimo and Kenneth H. Rubin). Foundation for Science and Technology, Portugal).
2010-2013 A Multi-Method Early Intervention Program for Socially Reticent, Inhibited Preschoolers (Multi Principal Investigators Kenneth H. Rubin and Andrea Chronis-Toscano), National Institute of Mental Health, 1R34MH083832. $450,000 direct costs; Total Costs: $641,580.
2014-2016 Do Theatrical Experiences Improve Preschoolers' Play and Creativity? (Principal Investigator: Kenneth H. Rubin; Co-PI, Meredith Rowe, Harvard University). National Endowment of the Arts, $15,000 direct costs.
2014-2022 National Institute of Mental Health, Grant Number: 1R01MH 103253. A Multi-Component Early Intervention for Socially Inhibited Preschool Children, $2,140,064 direct costs; Total Costs: $3,119,736 (Multi Principal Investigators: Kenneth H. Rubin and Andrea Chronis-Tuscano).
2021-2023 National Institute of Mental Health, Grant Number: 1R03MH123762-01A1. Examining Neurophysiological Predictors of Treatment Response to a Multi-Component Early Intervention for Socially Inhibited Preschoolers.; Total Costs Year 1: $88,234 (Nicholas Wagner – Principal Investigator; Kenneth H. Rubin and Andrea Chronis-Tuscano – Investigators)