Applied linguistics, additional language acquisition, development, teaching and assessment, pre- and in-service teacher education, international teacher education, and education of linguistically and culturally diverse students

A first-generation college graduate, Dr. Polat earned his bachelor’s degree in English language teaching from Marmara University (Istanbul, Turkey) and his doctorate in Applied Linguistics and Foreign Language Education from The University of Texas at Austin. He has had over 15 years of leadership experience at various institutions, most recently as professor and Chair of the Department of Curriculum and Instruction in the College of Education at Texas State University. Previously, he was Associate Dean for Graduate Studies and Research at Duquesne University’s School of Education, where he also served as the Director of the Canevin Center for Educational Transformation and Social Justice.  Dr. Polat's research is situated at the intersection of applied linguistics, teacher education, and educational psychology. He studies how people learn and use additional languages, what individual and socio-cultural variables affect processes of learning and using multiple languages, and how we can prepare educators and develop innovative pedagogies to help multilingual learners succeed in K-12 education. Along these lines, he has authored/co-authored over 50 peer-reviewed publications, including four books. Many of his works have been published in top-tier journals including Teachers College Records, Applied Linguistics, Language Learning and Technology, TESOL Quarterly, The Modern Language Journal, and The Journal of Educational Research. In addition to approximately 40 invited presentations, he has also conducted around 70 peer-reviewed scholarly presentations at major conferences. He has received several institutional and foundation grants, while also receiving five institutional research awards (e.g., Presidential Scholarship Award, Early Career Faculty Award for Excellence in Scholarship). Just recently, he received the 2022 Leadership through Research Award from the Second Language Research SIG of the American Educational Research Association (AERA). He has served as chair of the Applied Linguistics Intersection at TESOL (2015) and on multiple review panels (e.g., Fulbright National Screening Committee, U.S. Department of Education), while also reviewing book manuscripts for publishing companies (e.g., Oxford University Press, Routledge, Palgrave) and almost all major journals in the field. He has served as the editorial board member of several journals, including the Journal of Educational Research (since 2009) and TESOL Quarterly (2017-2020).

  • 2009-2013 B. A. Sizemore Urban Education Fellow, Duquesne University
  • 2022 Leadership through Research Award, Second Language Research (SLR) SIG, American Research Association (AERA).
  • 2019 Faculty Scholarship Award, Phi Kappa Phi.
  • 2018 Presidential Scholarship Award, Duquesne University.
  • 2018 Faculty Award for Excellence in Scholarship. School of Education, Duquesne University.
  • 2014 Presidential Scholarship Award, Duquesne University.
  • 2012 Faculty Award for Excellence in Scholarship (Early Career). School of Education, Duquesne University.

Books Authored

  1. Mahalingappa, L., Rodriguez, T., & Polat, N. (2017). Supporting Muslim Students: A Guide to Understanding the Diverse Issues of Today’s Classrooms. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield. ISBN: 978-1-4758-3294-5. Original edition
  2. Polat, N. (2016). L2 Learning, Teaching, and Assessment: A Comprehensible Input Perspective.  Buffalo, NY. Multilingual Matters. ISBN: 978-1783096336. Original edition.

Books Edited

1. Polat, N., Mahalingappa, L., & Kayi-Aydar, H. (Eds.). (2021). Preparation of Teachers of English as an Additional Language (EAL) around the World: Research, Policy, Curriculum, and Practice. Multilingual Matters. ISBN: 9781788926140

2. Polat, N., Gregersen, T., & MacIntyre, P. (Eds.). (2019). Research-Driven Pedagogy: Implications of L2A Theory and Research for the Teaching of Language Skills. New York, NY:  Routledge.  ISBN: 9781138487437

Selected Refereed Journal Articles

  1. Park, H., Zong, J., Polat, N., & Schallert, D. (2024). Bilingual/ESL Preservice Teachers’ Heritage Language and Language Identity: Evidence from Multimodal Literacy Autobiographies. Teaching and Teacher Education, 152.
  2. Zong, J., Polat, N., & Mahalingappa, L. (2024). Effects of Playback Speed and Language Proficiency on Listening Comprehension of Multilingual English Learners. International Multilingual Research Journal, 1–19.
  3. Polat, N., Mancilla, R., & Mahalingappa, L. (2024). IELTS and written syntactic complexity as predictors of GPA of multilingual international graduate students. AERA Open, 10.
  4. Mahalingappa, L., Zong, J., & Polat, N. (2024). The Impact of Captioning and Playback Speed on Listening Comprehension of Multilingual English Learners at Varying Proficiency Levels. System, 120,
  5. Mahalingappa, L., Polat, N., & Meyer, C. K. (2023). Critical language awareness in teacher education: An experiment at the intersection of language, identity, and ideologies. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 44, 1-19.
  6. Mahalingappa, L., Kayi-Aydar, H., & Polat, N. (2022). Institutional and faculty readiness for teaching multilingual international students in university programs in the field of education. TESOL Quarterly, 55, 47-77.
  7. Mahalingappa, L., Polat, N., & Wang, R. (2021). A Cross-Cultural Comparison between EFL and ESL Teacher Beliefs about Oral Corrective Feedback: The Case of China and the U.S.A. Language Awareness, 31, 21-52.
  8. Polat, N., Mahalingappa, L., & Mancilla, R. (2020). Longitudinal Growth Trajectories of Written Syntactic Complexity: The Case of Turkish Learners in an Intensive English Program. Applied Linguistics, 41, 1-25.
  9. Strom, K., Margolis, J., & Polat, N. (2019). Teacher Professional Dispositions: Much Assemblage Required. Teachers College Records, 121, 1-28.
  10. Polat, N., Mahalingappa, L., Hughes, E., & Karayigit, C. (2019). Change in Preservice Teacher Beliefs about Inclusion, Responsibility, and Culturally Responsive Pedagogy for English Learners. International Multilingual Research Journal, 13, 222-238.
  11. Mahalingappa, L., Hughes, E., & Polat, N. (2018). Developing Preservice Teachers’ Self-Efficacy and Knowledge through Online Experiences with English Language Learners. Language and Education, 32, 127-146.
  12. Mahalingappa, L., & Polat, N. (2017). Overall and Component-Based Inter-Rater Reliability of the SIOP Model. International Journal of TESOL and Learning, 6, 18-35.
  13. Mancilla, R., Polat, N., & Akcay, A. (2017). An Investigation of Native and Non-Native English Speakers’ Levels of Written Syntactic Complexity in Asynchronous Online Discussions. Applied Linguistics, 38, 112-134.
  14. Polat, N., Zarecky-Hodge, A., & Schreiber, J. (2016). Academic Growth Trajectories of ELLs in NAEP data: The Case of Fourth- and Eighth-Grade ELLs and Non-ELLs on Mathematics and Reading Tests. The Journal of Educational Research, 109, 541-553.
  15. Polat, N., & Cepik, S. (2016). An Exploratory Factor Analysis of the Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol as a Teacher Performance Evaluation Tool. TESOL Quarterly, 50, 817-843.
  16. Polat, N., & Cepik, S. (2014). A Comparative Analysis of EFL and ESL Programs Regarding Curriculum Mandates and Program Directors’ and Teacher Candidates’ Perceptions: The Case of Turkey and the U.S. Open Journal of Modern Linguistics, 4, 239-251.
  17. Cepik, S., & Polat, N. (2014). Mandates, Needs, Equitable Resources, and Current Research in English Language Teacher Education: The Case of Turkey. International Journal of Research Studies in Education, 3, 1-14.
  18. Polat, N., & Schallert, D. L. (2013). Kurdish Adolescents Acquiring Turkish: Their Self-Determined Motivation and Identification with L1 and L2 Communities as Predictors of L2 Accent Attainment. Modern Language Journal, 93, 745-763.
  19. Polat, N., Mancilla, R., and Mahalingappa, L. (2013). Anonymity and Motivation in Asynchronous Discussions and L2 Vocabulary Learning. Language Learning & Technology, 17, 57-74.
  20. Polat, N., & Mahalingappa, L. (2013). Pre- and In-service Teachers’ Beliefs about ELLs in Content Area Classes: A Case for Inclusion, Responsibility, and Instructional Support. Teaching Education, 24, 58-83.
  21. Mahalingappa, L., & Polat, N. (2013). English Language Teacher Education in Turkey: Policy vs. Academic Standards. European Journal of Higher Education, 3, 371-383.
  22. Rodriguez, T. L. & Polat, N.  (2012). Politicizing Difference: Interpreting Citizenship as a Dimension of Diversity in Pre-Service Teachers' Narratives. Linguistics and Education, 23, 361-372.
  23. Polat, N. (2011).  Examining the Nature and Content of L2 Socialization Patterns: Attainment of a Native-like Turkish Accent by Kurds. Critical Inquiry in Language Studies, 8, 261-288.
  24. Polat, N. (2011). Pedagogical Treatment and Change in Preservice Teacher Beliefs: An Experimental Study. International Journal of Educational Research, 49, 195-209.
  25. Polat, N. (2011). Gender and Age Differences in Motivation and L2 Accent Attainment: An Investigation of Young Kurdish Learners of Turkish. Language Learning Journal, 39, 19-41.
  26. Polat, N. (2010). A Comparative Analysis of Pre-and In-Service Teacher Beliefs about Readiness and Self-Competency: Revisiting Teacher Education for ELLs. System, 38, 228-244.
  27. Polat, N., & Mahalingappa, L. (2010). Gender Differences in Identity and Acculturation Patterns and L2 Accent Attainment. Journal of Language, Identity, and Education, 9, 17-35.
  28. Polat, N. (2009). Matches in Beliefs between Teachers and Students, and Success in L2 Attainment: The Georgian Example. Foreign Language Annals, 42, 229-249. 
  29. Polat, N., & Balog, R. (2009). Fostering Academic and Language Development of ELLs and Heritage Learners through the SIOP Model.  Learning Languages Journal, 14, 8-13.

Selected Chapters in Books

  1. Glanbock, K. & Polat, N. (2025). Bilingual education research in the U.S.: A critical analysis of school choice and neoliberal ideologies in dual language programs. In C. Shei & D. Chao (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Language Learning in the New Global Context. (pp. 179-192). New York, NY:  Routledge.
  2. Polat, N., Mahalingappa, L., & Kayi-Aydar, H. (2021). Introduction. In N. Polat, L. Mahalingappa, & Hayriye Kayi-Aydar (Eds.), Preparation of Teachers of English as an Additional Language (EAL) around the World. (pp. 1-12). Bristol, UK: Multilingual Matters.
  3. Mahalingappa, L., & Polat, N. (2021). Preparation of Teachers of EAL in the U.S.A.: Research, Policy, Curriculum, and Practice. In N. Polat, L. Mahalingappa, & Hayriye Kayi-Aydar (Eds.), Preparation of Teachers of English as an Additional Language (EAL) around the World. (pp. 233-241). Bristol, UK: Multilingual Matters.
  4. Mahalingappa, L., Kayi-Aydar, H., & Polat, N. (2021). Conclusions and Future Directions. In N. Polat, L. Mahalingappa, & Hayriye Kayi-Aydar (Eds.), Preparation of Teachers of English as an Additional Language (EAL) around the World. (pp. 242-250). Bristol, UK: Multilingual Matters.
  5. Polat, N., & Mahalingappa, L. (2021). Teacher cognition about challenges and opportunities of integrative language and content teaching: The SIOP example. In K. Talbot, M-T. Gruber, & R. Nishida (Eds.), The Psychological Experience of Integrating Language and Content: Teacher and Learner Perspectives. (pp. 73-92). Bristol, UK: Multilingual Matters.
  6. Mahalingappa, L., Rodriguez, T. L., & Polat, N. (2021). Promoting peace through social justice pedagogies for students from immigrant Muslim communities: Using critical language awareness in second language classrooms. In R.L. Oxford, M.M. Olivero, M. Harrison, & T. Gregersen (eds.), Peacebuilding in language education: Innovations in theory and practice (pp. 162-176). Bristol, UK: Multilingual Matters.
  7. Polat, N., Gregersen, T. & MacIntyre, P. (2019). Introduction. In N. Polat, T. Gregersen, & P. MacIntyre (Eds.), Research-Driven Pedagogy: Implications of L2A Theory and Research for the Teaching of Language Skills (pp. 1-10). New York, NY:  Routledge.
  8. MacIntyre, P., Gregersen, T., & Polat, N. (2019). Conclusions and Future Directions. In N. Polat, T. Gregersen, & P. MacIntyre (Eds.), Research-Driven Pedagogy: Implications of L2A Theory and Research for the Teaching of Language Skills (pp. 212-217). New York, NY:  Routledge.
  9. Mahalingappa, L., & Polat, N. (2019). Teaching and Researching Pronunciation Skills: Theory and Research-Based Practices. In N. Polat, T. Gregersen, & P. MacIntyre (Eds.), Research-Driven Pedagogy: Implications of L2A Theory and Research for the Teaching of Language Skills. (pp. 145-166). New York, NY:  Routledge. 
  10. Polat, N. (2014). The Interaction of the L2 Motivational Self System with Socialisation and Identification Patterns and L2 Accent Attainment. In K. Csizér & M. Magid (Eds.), The Impact of Self-concept on Second Language Acquisition (pp. 265-282). Clevendon, UK: Multilingual Matters.
  1. Mahalingappa, L. (PI), Hankerson, S. (Co-PI), & Polat, N. (Co-PI) (2024). Writing for College and Beyond: The Impact of an Academic Writing Development Program on College Essays Written by High School Students of Color. Big Opportunity Funds (BOF). University of Maryland. Granted: $49,478.
  2. Polat, N. (2018). Presidential Scholarship Award Grant. Duquesne University.
  3. Polat, N. (2017). The Canevin Center for Educational Transformation and Social Justice. Heinz Endowment.
  4. Mahalingappa, L., Fitzgerald, A. M., & Polat, N.  (2015) Support for refugee families with school-aged children in the Pittsburgh area through ethnically-based community centers: an additive model for family engagement, student linguistic and academic development, and teacher preparation. Center for Community-Engaged Teaching and Research.
  5. Polat, N. (2014). Presidential Scholarship Award Grant. Duquesne University.
  6. Hughes, E., & Polat, N. (2014). Curriculum-based measures to assess preservice teachers’ knowledge of special education and ELL content knowledge. Canevin Center for Social Justice.
  7. Polat, N. & Mahalingappa, L. (2011). Assessment of Learning Outcomes of ESL Teacher Certificate Program. Academic Learning Outcomes Assessment (ALOA).
  8. Rodriguez, T. & Polat, N. (2010). Equity for English Language Learners in Urban Contexts: A Study of Diverse Preservice Teachers’ Beliefs and Identities. Barbara A. Sizemore Research Fellows & Small Grants Program.
  9. Rodriguez, T. & Polat, N. (2010). Promoting Educational Equity for English Language Learners: A Study of Linguistically and Culturally Diverse Preservice Teachers’ Beliefs and Identities. Faculty Development Fund, Duquesne University.