Current Lab Members
Raymond Cleveland
Nicole Catanzarite
Lydie Tubene
Evelyn Forster Graduate Student in Psychology University of Toronto fNIRS of Analogical thinking
Former Graduate Students or Post-Docs
Leslie Atkins, Ph.D. Professor, California State University Chico
Lisa Baker, Ph.D. Medical Writer
Isabelle Blanchette, Ph.D. Professor at University of Quebec at Trois Rivieres
Mike Dama, Ph.D. Statistical Consultant at Wayne State University
Jonathan Fugelsang, Ph.D. Professor at University of Waterloo
Adam E. Green, Ph.D. Professor: Georgetown University
James K. Nelson, Ph.D. Analyst Manager at Truven Health Analytics
Tanja Rapus, Ph.D. Healthcare consultant
Greg Christ, Ph.D. Research Analyst at Statistics Canada
Greg Sadesky Ph.D. (former Masters student), now Psychometrician at Yardstick, Testing and Training Experts
(Some of my) Former Undergraduate advisees
Ruobin (Robin) Gong Ph.D. Candidate,Department of Statistics, Harvard University
Timour Al-Khindi I. M.D. PhD. Student. The Johns Hopkins School of Medicine
Xiaomei Liu: Graduate Student faculty of Education, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign
Amritpal Sandhu: Student Osgoode Law School, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Suganiya Srikanthan, now a resident
Raphael Lizcano III. Now practicing Internal Medicine at the Dartmouth Hitchcock Memorial Hospital Lebanon, NH
Daniel Perell. Now a lawyer. United Nations Representative at Baha'i International Community
Tina Caruana Pharmaceutical Researcher
Victor Ferriera Professor of Psychology at University of California at San Diego
Lynn McGrath Resident University of Washington, Seattle
Lyndsey Moran now a postdoctoral fellow at McLean Hospital
Dominic Packer Professor of Psycholoogy Lehigh University
Colin Powers Counsellor
Christian Schunn Professor LRDC,at University of Pittsburgh
Noah Shamosh Ph.D. Investment Banker
Kevin Smith. Now a postdoctoral student at MIT Brain & Cognitive Sciences
Debra Sussman Medical Doctor