Difficult Dialogues Flyer 1

COE Difficult Dialogue September Session

COE Students, Faculty and Staff only
ESJ 1224

Difficult Dialogues Flyer 1
Please join the College of Education for our first college-wide dialogue of a 3 part series: "Look in the Mirror: Brave & Open Dialogue on Racism and Antiracism in Our College." In this first dialogue session, open to all students, staff, and faculty in the College of Education, we hope to share, name, unpack, and understand the various experiences with racism and antiracism in our College. We expect the conversation to bring up difficult truths and hope to open space for learning, authentic engagement, healing, and imagining alternative antiracist practices.
This event is part of the College of Education's Difficult Dialogues on Antiracism for Transformational Institutional Change. In this dialogue series, we take on difficult conversations around antiracism with the intention of sharing, learning, healing, and being spurred into personal and collective action around topics of importance in our College. We hope for many different decision makers and roles to be present, from students, staff and faculty to University policymakers. We believe that change is embodied in our engagement in hard conversations across our differences and that dialogue strengthens our consciousness as individuals and as a College community.
Event information:
Monday, September 27 at 5:30PM - 7:00 PM
Edward St. John 1224 (in-person): Register at https://forms.gle/pSWkWLMhqpWzsU8m9
Zoom (virtual): Register at go.umd.edu/COEDifficultDialogues  
Save the date for our next two dialogues!
Monday, October 25th, 6:30-8 PM, location TBD
Wednesday, December 1st, 6:30-8 PM, location TBD