EdTerps "Do Good" Notes of Encouragement for Educators

Do Good Service Month

April is UMD Do Good Month!

Now is your chance to participate in this award winning service project and spread joy with not so random acts of kindness and encouragement.

The College of Education Alumni Network is celebrating by inviting you to write notes of  encouragement to our EdTerp early career educators and/or mentor teachers. We are asking volunteers to reach out and write notes to 1-5 of these amazing teachers.

It is no secret that teachers need all the encouragement that they can get and who better to surprise them with a little boost than their own alumni community?

After registering, you will receive more details about the project and the contact information of the alumni educators with whom you have been matched. We ask that all cards/gifts be sent to alumni by the end of April so that they received them before Teacher Appreciation Week - May 6-10. 

alumni network logo