Empowering Voices: Navigating Support & Advocacy for Students with Disabilities and Mental Health Needs in K-12 and College

Zoom: https://umd.zoom.us/j/92248433446?pwd=bEVPMUM0RmMvaUlrZmF2N0dxeUs0QT09

Invited by Community Health Initiative, Dr. Sehrish Shikarpurya, Assistant Professor of Special Education at the University of Maryland is offering a free workshop for parents on Saturday 11/23 at 7-8 p.m. EST. 

Title: Empowering Voices: Navigating Support & Advocacy for Students with Disabilities and Mental Health Needs in K-12 and College

Description: This session will provide families and caregivers with powerful tools and strategies to advocate effectively for students with disabilities and mental health needs across K-12 and higher education settings. We will share essential insights into understanding students' rights, accessing vital support services, and communicating with school and college staff to receive appropriate accommodations. Join us to gain confidence in navigating the process of seeking and advocating for services, ensuring students receive the support they need to excel academically and thrive emotionally. This session will be led by Dr. Sehrish Shikarpurya, Assistant Professor of Special Education at the University of Maryland. Her work aims to expand the post-school opportunities of young adults with disabilities. 

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Meeting ID: 922 4843 3446
Passcode: 2023

Mental Health Event