Monday Symposium in Measurement and Statistics (MSMS), University of Maryland, together with Ohio State University, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and University of Notre Dame present "How Do We Know That Our Statistical Methods Should Work? Benchmarks, Plasmodes, and Statistical Mediation Analysis."
This presentation describes a benchmark method to validate statistical methods from the analysis of data on a known or established empirical effect. There are aspects to benchmark validation that complement mathematical derivations and simulations. The method may be useful for evaluating the accuracy of causal conclusions from a statistical method. I apply the method to statistical mediation analysis of the process by which imagery increases recall of words. I discuss strengths and limitations of the method.
MacKinnon, D. P., Valente, M. J., & Wurpts, I. C. (2018). Benchmark validation of statistical mediation analysis: Application to imagery and memory theory. Psychological Methods, 23 (4), 854-671.
Presented by: Dr. David P. MacKinnon, Department of Psychology, Arizona State University
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