INFORMATION SESSION: Outreach M.Ed. in Special Education-Focus Early Childhood Birth – Age 5

Zoom Meeting ID: 983 8909 1391


Are you looking to expand your abilities to enable our youngest (Birth thru Age 5) in the most challenging circumstances achieve their true potential as they progress through life?   Do you want to refine your ability to support families communicate their infant, toddler, or children’s needs and acquire needed supports and resources?  Do you want to build and use evidence-based practices that enable our youngest to be active and successful participants in their home, child care, preschool, or school settings?  You will find this M.Ed. delivered at The Universities at Shady Grove is just for you. 


Designed for the working professional, this is a part-time M.Ed.  As a graduate student you take one class per semester, classes begin at 5:30 PM once a week.  Get more details at the virtual information session and ask any questions you might have.