Join the University of Maryland as we celebrate 25 years of Maryland Day! Bring family and friends to our signature campus event dedicated to learning, discovery and new ideas.
The College of Education is hosting more than 10 activities spread across Terp Town Center and Tawes Plaza.
Terp Town Center (McKeldin Mall)
Disability Studies Minor Program
10 a.m. – 2 p.m.
Broaden your understanding of the concept of disability with students from this program, which brings together students from 11 colleges and schools.
Get to Know the College of Education
All day
Learn about the undergraduate and graduate teacher certificate programs and what else the College of Education has to offer.
Graduate Research Showcase
All day
Members of the College of Education's Graduate Student Organization share their cutting-edge research—and how you can get involved. Participate in a duck pond game for the opportunity to win a prize!
Meet EdTerp Alumni
All day
Stop by the College of Education tent to say hello, learn about upcoming alum events, and test your knowledge of the college's history with a Terp trivia game.
Teachers and Turtles
All day
Join the Teacher Education Association of Maryland Students (TEAMS) to weave baby terrapins from yarn and popsicle sticks.
TerpsEXCEED Program
All day
Learn about a program that provides Maryland students with intellectual disabilities the opportunity to participate in a college experience for two years. Students can get involved by being a peer mentor.
Terrapin Teachers
All day
Meet Terrapin Teachers and learn more about the program that recruits and prepares a diverse corps of STEM teachers. Play a game and win prizes!
Art and Design Place
David C. Driskell Center
Make-and-Take Printmaking
10 a.m. – 12 p.m.
In celebration of the David Driskell Center's new exhibition, "Ringgold | Saar: Meeting on the Matrix," learn a printmaking process and take home your print.
Tawes Plaza
Turtle Toss
10 a.m. – 1 p.m.
The Student Council for Exceptional Children invites you to test your tossing skills, while meeting future special education teachers and learning about great opportunities in the special education program.
Social and Moral Development Lab
10 a.m. – 2 p.m.
Teachers, parents, children and adolescents are invited to participate in research studies and win prizes.
DIY Glitter Bottles and Fingerprint Painting
All day
Join the Center for Early Childhood Education and Intervention and make glitter bottles with an array of fun colors, or make fingerprint paintings of animals, flowers and more. Learn about career and student independent study opportunities with the center.
Kappa Delta Pi
All day
Learn about the international educational honor society, Kappa Delta Pi, and guess how many candies are in the jar for your chance to win a prize.
Your Brain on Education: The Neurophysiology of Learning
11 a.m. – 2 p.m.
Learn how brain imaging techniques allow us to see how the brain functions when doing things such as reading words and solving math problems. Watch a demonstration of electroencephalography (EEG) and functional near infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) that measure brain activity and take home a paper brain hat showing parts of the brain.
For more information and full list of activities, visit