Taught by Dr. Laura Stapleton, University of Maryland
A wealth of publicly-available national and international data exists for use by researchers in education and other social science disciplines. Of particular interest for this workshop are the data supplied by the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) although the topics presented in this workshop generalize to other large-scale data collection. The goal of this workshop is to allow those researchers who are new to using national and international data to become more comfortable with accessing and appropriately analyzing the data. Of particular concern in analyzing public-release data from the NCES is that a complex probability sampling technique was used to obtain responses form participants. Such a sampling design requires the use of specialized statistics to obtain unbiased point estimates (e.g., means, regression coefficients, structural path estimates) and sampling variance estimates (e.g., standard errors). The aim of this workshop is to instruct researchers on best practices on working with these data.
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