Teacher-Student Interactions: Measurement, Impacts, Improvement, and Policy

Robert Pianta - University of Virginia, Dean of the Curry School of Education

The HDQM Developmental Science Program Colloquium series, formerly known as the Center Seminar Series, will be conducted virtually for Fall 2020 on Wednesdays from 12:15 to 1:30. This talk will also be co-sponsored by the Educational Psychology Program. The virtual colloquium presentation schedule for each day will be as follows:

12:15 to 1:00 pm – Invited speaker’s virtual presentation
1:00 to 1:30 pm – Questions and discussion period

Lucas Butler (lpbutler@umd.edu) and Melanie Killen (mkillen@umd.edu) are the faculty coordinators and Karen Levush (klevush@umd.edu) is the graduate student coordinator of the Developmental Science Colloquium Series, Fall 2020.

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