Postsecondary Transition and Equity Lab (PTEL)
South Asians Accessing Transition and Higher Education Inclusion (SAATHI)

About Us
SAATHI (South Asians Accessing Transition and Higher Education Inclusion) is an educational training program developed as a support system for parents to gain insider knowledge of the opportunities available for their children with disabilities as they leave high school.
Click the link below to meet the research team, access training documents, review session objectives, review parent feedback and engage resources. [Project Webpage]
What Does the Training Consist Of?
SAATHI Transition Training strives to help parents plan for their child’s future with the knowledge of the system and with advocacy skills to get their voices heard. The training program is a 6 week commitment including 1.5 hours online training sessions per week and surveys to see individual progress. | Week 1: Introduction to Transition Training |
Parent Feedback

Project Funding
Funded by SPARC ($15,000)
Parent and Family Resource for Equitable Postsecondary Transition (P. R. E. P)
Purpose of Study
- Increase participants' knowledge of future planning opportunities for their children after high school, including college options, employment, living arrangements, and financial support.
- Enhance advocacy skills, enabling participants to voice their concerns and collaborate with the IEP team to develop appropriate goals for their children.
- Support the development of meaningful relationships among parents in a small group setting while exploring future planning opportunities.
Participant Recruitment Flyer

Parent Feedback

Project Pathways: Life Course of Immigrants with IDD
Participant Recruitment

Project Funding
- Faculty-Student Research Grant ($20,000)
- University of Maryland Catalyst Grant ($50,000)